Topic: RME MADI PCIe daugtherboard with FX possible ?

Hello there friends at RME,
I was wondering if it is possible for you to produce some kind of a daughterboard card
supplying the FX found on Fireface UC ,which could be used with the RME MADI PCIe card !
That would be perfect for the serious studio user , and it will beat the hell out competitors products
like the SSL MX4 (which mixer features only work on Windows unfortunately !!! ).
have any thoughts about going into that direction ?

Thanks for your time ,
Dimitri Bellos
Decibel Studios

Re: RME MADI PCIe daugtherboard with FX possible ?

Well ? Anyone ?
How about it Mr MC ?
I find that a great marketing idea .
I would buy it no questions asked !


Re: RME MADI PCIe daugtherboard with FX possible ?

Technically this is impossible as there are no lines/wires between the FPGA and the DSP on the new card. Practically it would be a hell of development if connections exist. Sorry, no.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME MADI PCIe daugtherboard with FX possible ?

Sorry to hear that.
Thanks for your time anyway.