Topic: DIGIFACE/MULTIFACE II and HDSP: Express Card to PCMCIA adapter results

Hi every one!!!
I had a RME Multiface I and a RME HDSP card bus interface and i love it, it works just fine, better than any other interface I've used. Recently my laptop blow up, literally, burning itself until death. (I've heard about programed obsolencence but this goes to far...).

So it's time for a new computer!!!! But there is no pcmcia port on laptops anymore...

First of all, i did a intensive forum research and this question is asked a few times but never answered:

Does the RME HDSP card bus work in MULTITRACK MODE (under cubase, nuendo, etc.) with no crackle/latency problem on a Windows XP/Windows 7 based laptop using an Express Card to PCMCIA adapter?

I found people that successfully installed it on windows XP but no one talks about avanced testing results, just a few about one channel testing on soft conditions.

If someone please could comfirm that the adapter works on harder conditions (multitrack, on a secuencer like cubase with a bunch of plugins inserts, etc.) will be amazing!!!!!!

I can't afford a HDSPe express card right now, it's almost 300€, and an adapter is just 50€...

Re: DIGIFACE/MULTIFACE II and HDSP: Express Card to PCMCIA adapter results

Oh, wie sehr würde ich diese Frage auch beantwortet bekommen. Ich hab genau dasselbe Problem! Hätt ich aktuell das Geld würde ich keine Sekunden zögern mir die neue Express Card zu kaufen. Ich hasse Adapter-Geschichten, aber es gibt keine andere Möglichkeit...

Hast du schon eine passende Karte irgendwo zum bestellen gefunden? Ich tue mir damit schon schwer... und wenn es ein Händler lagernd hat kosten die Adapter-Karten 80-100,-- EUR

Re: DIGIFACE/MULTIFACE II and HDSP: Express Card to PCMCIA adapter results

oops, i thought you wrote in german:)

i have exactly the same problem! If i had the money right now, i would so shure get the Express Card. But thats not the case. I really don´t like Adapter workarounds...
Have you found a shop where you can order such a card? I only found one or two shops and they sold them for 80-100,-- EUR which is alot!

I would be so happy to find a temporary solution to work with my new laptop. You guys at RME are always so helpful when users have questions! We would appreciate youre help!

Re: DIGIFACE/MULTIFACE II and HDSP: Express Card to PCMCIA adapter results

phasA100 wrote:

You guys at RME are always so helpful when users have questions! We would appreciate youre help!

The sarcasm is neither fair nor respectful. The RME people are usually exceptional in their support compared to many other companies. What you are asking is how to get around the limitations of the hardware options that they offer their customers. How do you expect them to answer? "Yes, you don't have to buy our products, you can just use this cheaper alternative method..."?

That said, search this forum and others for solutions. Some people have successfully used adapters for their RME cards on certain OSes and motherboards/laptops but there are variables and it's not 100% guaranteed to work on every machine. But even if they work, keep in mind that RME can't be expected to support these odd configurations.

MBP = HDSPe Expresscard: MF1

Re: DIGIFACE/MULTIFACE II and HDSP: Express Card to PCMCIA adapter results

Sorry, this topic was discussed several times here in the forum. Please use the search function. The bottom line is unfortunately we are not aware of any working adapter solution.

best regards

Re: DIGIFACE/MULTIFACE II and HDSP: Express Card to PCMCIA adapter results

Admin Knut wrote:

The bottom line is unfortunately we are not aware of any working adapter solution.

And even if adapter ABC-123 worked with laptop XYZ-789, it might not work with another one. Therefore, we will specifically not try to collect data here...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs