1 (edited by diyaudio99 2011-07-08 17:25:37)

Topic: 9632 auto sample rate playback

New to HDSP 9632, sorry if this has been asked before. I just installed the card on a Windows 7 64bit machine, with the latest 3.24 driver and 154 firmware. I play through foobar via ASIO to SPDIF out to my external DAC. However, the internal clock sample rate does not seems to change according to the file content's sample rate. I thought auto switch sample rate is supported for 9632, is it only for XP? The settings dialog does not match with manual any more and I do not see any clock option such as Master or AutoSync.

Re: 9632 auto sample rate playback

I tried again today and it turns out 9632 does auto switch sample rate but foobar ASIO has some bug that whenever sample rate change and the number of input channel changes it will make the previous ASIO device definition invalid. Similar issue to this