Topic: Control FF400 Totalmix via Midi simple commands in Windows


I am trying to control some basic settings of Totalmix via Midi to no avail.

The very first thing I am trying to control is the Presets.
Based on the manual page 83, I should be able to send to Totalmix a Note ON command to do that.
I am using the Java Midi class - sending a ShortNote, Note ON, Channel 1, and the number 54 (in decimal),
to see if it will change to Preset 1.

The LED lights on the front panel that says Midi- Input 1, will blink green, but TotalMix won't change.
I have tried various combinations of the command, nothing seems to work.

FF400, driver 3.47, FW 1.70
Windows XP SP3
Midi to USB control cable (output) connected to FF400 Midi cable (input 1)
I have enabled MIDI control via the Options. Also enabled Mackie in the Preferences (though not sure if that's necessary).
Also, int Preferences - Midi Output is set to NONE. Midi Input is set to Fireface Input 1.

Any ideas much appreciated.



Re: Control FF400 Totalmix via Midi simple commands in Windows

Velocity must be set to max.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Control FF400 Totalmix via Midi simple commands in Windows


MC wrote:

Velocity must be set to max.

Re: Control FF400 Totalmix via Midi simple commands in Windows

I can now set the various Presets and also change the values of the Totalmix Sliders via Midi.
However, i have a problem re the resolution of the slider values.

The Totalmix slider values are log spaced from -inf to 6dB. However, it seems I can only set the slider values based on Midi's Control_Change command, which limits it to integer values of 0 to 127.
Is there a method to use Midi commands to change the slider values accurately?


Re: Control FF400 Totalmix via Midi simple commands in Windows

Any ideas?