Topic: Totalmix Launch in Systray only :XX

Hi there,

My goal is to boot my windows XP SP3 with a HDSPe AIO directly on my VST HOST app.
In other way, i wan't to bypass the explorer.exe process at the boot.
It is possible and it works great for any app .

The problem is that hdspmix.exe app (i need it to be open to control the hdspmix) is launching automatically in Systray !

Is there a way to launch the mixer or hdspmix.exe directly in "full screen", i mean not in systray ??

It should be nice cause i don't need explorer.exe at all to run my vst host and my soundcard that way i could have a really optimized computer to do live sound !

Thanks !!


Re: Totalmix Launch in Systray only :XX

Just start it two times.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix Launch in Systray only :XX

Yes i know this trick, but, unfortunately when i do it with a batch file like :

start C:/hdspmix.exe
start C:/hdspmix.exe

it launch me 2 systray hdspmix app hmm

I think i need to insert a delay between the 2 app launch.
I tried many command lines founded on the web to do it but it does not work sad


Re: Totalmix Launch in Systray only :XX

Try the program "startup delayer". I use it on all my systems.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Totalmix Launch in Systray only :XX

Ok sounds great!)
I'm gonna try this