1 (edited by Yorgos 2011-07-12 22:44:55)

Topic: Problem with Inst/Line input

I don't know why but when i am recording my guitar in 3 Line (directly) and pressing the inst button i get some background noises, mostly hum.

Cables are new (TRS unbalanced) and my guitar is in a good condition...so, maybe it's something else.

Any ideas ?

Re: Problem with Inst/Line input

Ground issue.

Re: Problem with Inst/Line input

Humbuckers or single coil guitar? Does the hum change in tone or volume when you move your guitar? If yes it is normal guitar noise.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

4 (edited by Yorgos 2011-07-13 10:52:13)

Re: Problem with Inst/Line input

It's a Les Paul studio so humbuckers.

Ok maybe it is ground issue because when i am touching the metal parts of the guitar the sound/noise changes.

So now i must a find a way to resolve this !