Topic: Thanks for the new drivers.

I knew it wasn't me. Drivers now do surround sound - thanks. Problem is now they don't seem to work properly in Sonar X1.
I start Sonar and it kicks out the FF 800. I go into prefs and change to ASIO. All works fine. Change back to WDM (have another interface/midi controller) and now all works fine. Kind of a silly workaround but it works. Using Windows 7 64.

Re: Thanks for the new drivers.

Are you sure you have to do this every time? Sonar starts WDM with the *last* setting it was exited with. So if you change buffer-size of the RME driver in between Sonar gets it wrong the next time you start it. By changing back and forth between ASIO and WDM Sonar rereads the buffer-size and adjusts its own setting accordingly.

If you increased the buffer between Sonar sessions (or while Sonar is running) you can increase it manually in Sonar's settings. But if you decrease the buffer then Sonar does not allow it to be set smaller than the last known setting and this is when you need to switch back and forth. It's more of a Sonar restriction/issue than a RME one.

Re: Thanks for the new drivers.

I changed the buffer to 256 on all machines and in sonar. Same problem. I had the RME set to 128 as well as the other interface.