1 (edited by guizoargenta 2011-07-15 02:29:09)

Topic: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

Hi All

  I´m having some problemas recording from my analog Babyface channels. First , I´m running on a mobile i7 2630qm, 8gb ram, 500gb HDD Pro Tools 9 on a Win 7 64.
  I will explain so anyone can try to reproduce this issue:
- It will occur with analog ins plugged in or not.
- Use Headphones,  doesn´t matter headphone out 1 or 2
- Open 3  mono Audio Tracks on Pro Tools
- Assign the digirack click on the first and the 2th and 3th just assign the babyface I/O 1 and 2.
- Turn the gain all way up on the analog ins of the Babyface
- Enable record on babyface analog tracks and do record with metronome click playing togheter.
- Listen you audio tracks recorded in solo, you will hear the metronome click recorded!!
- So if you turn down the headphone volume the click will not be recorded!!
- Everything that plays on headphones pass to the analog ins when recording... When I bought the babyface I saw that the support was excellent, and now I would like to resolve this, cause I bought the babyface to be a Pro interface to make my records.....

  Waiting maybe for a firmware update that resolve this issue


Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

Other Issue,
Doing this recording, if the babyface is in phones mode, metering phones level,  it will have noise alternating together with the phones metering in the Babyface itself. Just select the Out mode without any metering(if you are using just phones) and this noise will disapear remainig just the click.

Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

Everything that plays on headphones pass to the analog ins when recording...

Sounds like you have activated the Loopback button in the Phones output bus. Can you post a screenshot of TotalMix and the Matrix here?

best regards

Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

Hi, here is:
By guizoargenta at 2011-07-15

By guizoargenta at 2011-07-15

Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

I see no signal on the headphones. But the signal on the headphones including the click is recorded on the inputs?
Where is the metronom click coming from? From playback channels 1/2/3 to the headphone output?

What is connected to the analog inputs? For what do you need 60 dB of gain on them? The signal in the screenshot on both inputs is probably noise.
Please try again to record with gain set to 0 dB.

best regards

Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9


I made some more shots playing the click with Pro Tools..
Here is with 60 gain:

Now I put an acceptable gain, 39db. The analogs ins are plugged into a Keyboard.

Now the same as before put I took the Headphones off the babyface:

Now instead took headphones off I just lower the volume of the phones all way down:

So, we can see thet when we lower the phones volume , the analog in noise is also lowered.



Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

Are you using the included cable extension (1.5 m) for the breakout cable?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

  I'm just using the breakout cable, without the extension. Even if I take off the breakout cable this issue occurs. Everything that plays in headphones get recorded in a low volune, but gets recorded.

Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

I wonder a firmware update can solve this

Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

What is your driver and firmware state?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

Bayface firmware: 184
Driver :   0.984


Re: Big Problem recording with Babyface / Pro Tools 9

I don't see where you got any gain on the inputs. The gain knob is additional gain if needed. The level slide on the vu meter is the first gain and if you double click it, it will not be set at inifinity as it shows (sidewards 8) and then if additional gain is needed that is when you use the gain knob to the right. There is no gain going in in the first place, so it is not going to do anything (as far as I am thinking) except be such a low level coming in that you would only be gaining with the knob a not adequate signal in the first place.
