Topic: UFX + DURec not truly a "field" recording option... but will there be?

I am a producer and field recordist hoping to upgrade my field recording gear to something more convenient.

I currently use Schoeps mics and mic-pres (and M/S matrix) with a HHB PortaDAT.

(Yes... I know DAT is an outdated format... BUT... the HHB's A/D converters sound GREAT!!!... MUCH better than Sound Devices, IMO).

However, the HHB is big and heavy, and DAT tape is definitely a pain (and ever harder to find). So I am hoping to find a better solution for A/D conversion and digital data recording.

I was considering the BabyFace for the A/D conversion part, but still need a simple digital recording device that could take SPDIF audio (I don't want to pay for a unit with more mic-pres and A/D conversion, which I already have).

I friend suggested the UFX with DURec, and I am really excited to see the direct-to-USB thumbdrive (or other drive) recording option!!! That rocks!!! However, the UFX is AC-powered, and so the claim by RME that the UFX is a "field recorder" is untrue. Field recording needs to be off the AC power grid.

Is there any plan within RME to go one step further, and crate something as portable as the BabyFace, plus the USB recording option, and with DC power for external battery power? (Designed for carrying, rather than rack-mounting, would be ideal also.)

You would be making me, and probably a lot of other people, very happy!


Re: UFX + DURec not truly a "field" recording option... but will there be?

There are no such plans, sorry.

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX + DURec not truly a "field" recording option... but will there be?

Thanks for the reply. Since you're so close with the technology already, you should consider it. You guys could clean up in that area!!!

Re: UFX + DURec not truly a "field" recording option... but will there be?

One follow-up... can you recommend any device which would be suitable as a digital audio recorder only (no pres or A/D conversion, just SPDIF in), to mate with the BabyFace?

Re: UFX + DURec not truly a "field" recording option... but will there be?

I use the earlier version of the Microtrack for this purpose.  It runs on batter power, which may suit your needs.  Not sure how long the batter life is as I power mine via a USB port from my laptop: … CCAQ8wIwAQ

Marantz makes a more exepensive rack mount version: … B0017OM6JQ