Topic: Problem with interface power supply connection?

Hello! I recently purchased the RME Fireface UC and I am very happy with it. The thing is, I cant but notice that the connection between the power supply and the interface is quite weak. I can move the plug whilst connected very easily right and left, having the metallic tube of the connector touch the surrounding circle of the fireface easily applying almost no force, as if it where too small for such conection. For example, just by tapping the cable of the power supply the connection moves at fairly wide angles. I have compared it to a connection from a power supply to a mixer and the difference is noticeable. Is this normal for the Fireface buildup? or am I dealing with a defective interface?. Im scared that whilst in a gig it will simply disconnect by accident easier than it would if the connection was sturdier. If it is normal then no problems but unfortunately where I live there is no comparing this interface with another the same because they dont sell it here I imported it from USA.
