Topic: Weird TotalMix problem
I have a weird Problem with my FF 400 and total mix. I extended my FF400 with a Behringer ADA 8000 for inserting hardware components like a compressor in my DAW (Logic 9). The ADA 8000 is connected via ADAT in and out and clock synced via ADAT. Sor far, so good, all physical in- and output channels showgup in the fireface mixer and work when being fed with signal.
The strange thing is, that in the playback channel row i have only 8 outputs from my DAW, allthough in logic it shows 18 outputs. When i select one of the ADAT outputs in Logic the signal shows up in the physical out of the Fireface Mixer window allthough I have no routing option, since the corresponding playback channel is missing. Additionally, when I try to route a Signal with Logic´s I/O Plugin through the compressor, I have no signal input into the compressor.
When routing the main out directly through totalMix into the compressor I get a signal.
So for me it seems to be a routing/TotalMix Problem.
Any help will be highly appreciated.