Topic: RME ADI-8 DS and Digi 002r wont sync. Clicks and Pops

The ADI-8 is connected via optical (adat) to my 002r in and out. The AD/DA on the ADI-8 are set to Internal and the Digital Input is set to ADAT at 48Khz. Pro Tools clock is set to ADAT 48Khz. During Playback there are drop outs, clicks and pops.

I know this is and old issue so I apologize for " beating a dead horse", but Ive done tons of research and reading on other forums (as well as this one) and I cant seem to find a solution. IVE TRIED JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING AND NOTHING WORKS!! So Im desperate and need help!

Re: RME ADI-8 DS and Digi 002r wont sync. Clicks and Pops

This seems to be a problem with the 002 ADAT I/Os. Set the ADI-8 A/D to INT, and set the D/A to INPUT. Make sure DIGITAL INPUT is set to ADAT. In PT make sure the 002 is set to sync to ADAT in.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: RME ADI-8 DS and Digi 002r wont sync. Clicks and Pops

Tried that. But I still get click and pops, just less frequently. So in other words, Im up shit creek with no paddle?

Re: RME ADI-8 DS and Digi 002r wont sync. Clicks and Pops

Hi Alopez78,
You also might want to try clocking this using Word Clock instead of from ADAT.
Word clock out from ADI-8 DS to Word clock Input on the 002.
Leave the ADI-8 DS clock set to internal and set the clock in Pro Tools to external/word clock.
The ADAT cables stay attached like they are now only the word clock is handling the clocking.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: RME ADI-8 DS and Digi 002r wont sync. Clicks and Pops

002 doesn't have word clock I/O.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: RME ADI-8 DS and Digi 002r wont sync. Clicks and Pops

Hi Jeff,
What! All that money and no WC....

@alopez78 If the 002 is not able to clock when set to master and the ADI-8 DS set to ADAT input or visa-versa then I suspect the 002 is not working correctly.
You can find 003 units now pretty cheap online now. This may be cheaper than getting the 002 serviced depending on where in the world you live.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: RME ADI-8 DS and Digi 002r wont sync. Clicks and Pops

Do any of the LEDs in the ADI's clock section flash? If not, this may not be a clocking issue... Do you get any clicks etc. at the 002's headphone output?
What happens when you only connect one way (002 to ADI) and set the 002 to internal clock?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs