Topic: HDSP PCI card w/Multiface II

Still haven't been able to use 2 Multiface II with one PCIe card (struggling with ADAT routing and sync) so I'm considering to buy a PCI card to connect both Multiface to an internal.
I have 2 questions:

-is the PCI card compatible with the multiface II? as I don't have any free PCIe slots I only can consider a PCI card
-do I have to connect the two cards (PCIe and PCI) with an internal cable? are there any compatilibily issues to take into consideration?

thanks a lot

Re: HDSP PCI card w/Multiface II

Yes this will work fine.
You should run a word clock cable from the output of the 1st card to the word clock input of the 2nd card.
Set first card to Master and the 2nd to Slave via Word Clock.
The Total MIx routing is independent between cards.
You software will see the 2nd cards analog I/O as channels 19-26.
Make sure you using the latest firmware and drivers for both the PCI and PCI-e cards.

PCI firmware -

PCI-e firmware -

Driver install and firmware update tutorial -

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: HDSP PCI card w/Multiface II

I am succesfully using a PCI card and a PCIe card, each connected to their own Multiface II in my PC DAW.

Re: HDSP PCI card w/Multiface II


found one for cheap in an auction site, if i will not overbidden I'll have an hdsp pci in a week or so.
i realize that pci is not futureproof since the next gen mobos probably won't have pci but for the price i'd pay if i win this auction i'm gonna go for it anyway.

Re: HDSP PCI card w/Multiface II

as posted in the other thread, i got the PCI for really cheap.
I don't think it's rev. 1.9 but since I have the power adapter for the multiface this won't be a problem, according to the manual.
I also guess I won't have to install any drivers since they are already installed for the PCIe...
saturday I'm gonna put the card in the computer and finally have 20 channels routed to my desk.

Re: HDSP PCI card w/Multiface II

ChrisLudwig wrote:

You should run a word clock cable from the output of the 1st card to the word clock input of the 2nd card.
Set first card to Master and the 2nd to Slave via Word Clock.

will sending wordclock via ADAT lightpite be OK or only a BNC cable will do?


Re: HDSP PCI card w/Multiface II

ADAT doesn't send Word Clock proper, but it is sufficient for sync.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSP PCI card w/Multiface II

thanks daniel

i managed to get off work sooner and get a proper bnc cable!