Topic: Setting up AIO

Hi all.

Is there a link somewhere describing proper setup of the AIO in Win7 64?
Even better, for use with Sonar (use WDM or ASIO)?

In particular (for now), I noticed in the manual, to not have the RME as the preferred device. From what I see, there is no way not to have the RME as the preferred device since it is the only audio device.?

I'm also unclear as to whether or not the "sound" settings in Win7 have anything to do with the functionality of the RME. In other words, should I change any of those "sound" settings? (Or, is DSP completely in control?)


Re: Setting up AIO

Hi Tim,
You should be using ASIO with Sonar.
The RME card is fine being the default windows audio device. The only time you would possibly have issues with that is if your trying to running some other software that uses the windows default audio settings at the same time you trying to use Sonar, i.e., Itunes, etc. Both applications need to run at the same sample rate.
Here is a guide for setting an RME device up with Sonar X1. The settings will similar in Sonar 8.5.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas