1 (edited by Evil Shrubbery 2011-10-01 10:27:28)

Topic: HDSP 9632 SMP Latency FL Studio

So I just got my HDSP 9632 in today.  Installed it, updated the driver and firmware.  Hands down, biggest reason I bought this was for recording guitar, which after I obtain monitor speakers and microphones I shall proceed to do. 

But another big reason is because I thought the ASIO format with the card would have faster sampling rates than ASIO4All.  As it is, it seems to be exactly the same.  I get clicks and pops unless I have 512 smp buffer going in FL Studio.  I have the latest updates in FL Studio btw.

I've got a 2.3 ghz quad core AMD phenom processor, 4 gbs of ram and am running Windows Vista 64.  Is there any way to reduce the sample buffer size without increasing clicks and pops?  Or do I just need to upgrade my processor speed and ram?


Kyle Wright.