Topic: How to syncronize two machines with multiface cards - ableton / logic

Hello guys,

in our studio we are working on both plattforms - MAC and PC.
(Powermac G5 + Intel Quad Core).

Both systems (win7 / OSX 10.5) have a multiface 1 firewire card with PCS adapter installed.
The PC is used mainly for Ableton suite 8 and the mac runs  Logic 7. Since we are a small team of 2 producers/programmers and working in parallel most of the time, we came up with the idea to create a sync between the two systems. This would allow us to put our work together in the end, without exporting / importing the data from PC to Mac and losing precious time. The drums are mainly coming from ableton - logic is used more for the voice recordings + real instruments.

The idea: We wanna create a stable connection via wordclock or Midi.
Logic should be the master and and when we are hitting the play button,  ableton (slave) should react and follow the playback realtime. The audio outputs of both multiface cards are anyway going in an analog mixer and being mixed together this way. From there we are mixing down to the audio input of the Mac creating the final mixdown.

So we basically look for a syncronization methode for this two systems.
We even wanna be able to jump around in the arrangement window (like in rewire modus on a single system) and having ableton following our MAC.

Does anyone know what setup would be best to get this situation handled?
Do you have any links or tricks how to setup the preferences in logic and ableton?

Would it be possible  synchronizing even more machines like 2 PC or 3 MACS at a time?

Is there any professional solution or device needed or are the multiface cards equiped with this technology already ?

We really tried our best using MMS and Midi but unfortunately not with the desired results.

Thanx a lot.