1 (edited by bigtree 2011-11-02 23:08:43)

Topic: Clock Sync dropping

I have 2 ADI-8 QS. randomly one of the units needs to be restarted a few times to sync again. Why is this?
I notice a clocking static sound that is audible on one track. Restarting the QS seems to correct this for a while until I switch to a different sample rate (mastering) and then come back to the session at 88.2. Is this a short in one of my AES lines, as setting or some in the card or QS?

Also, looking at the DSP Settings I see AES 1 "88.2" blinking where the others are solid. They all say sync but AES 1 88.2 is blinking. Is this normal?



Re: Clock Sync dropping

Firmware versions of the QS? Who is master and who is slave in this setup?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by bigtree 2011-11-03 00:19:34)

Re: Clock Sync dropping

Hi Matthias ,

I see even though I updated the driver to 3.26 I was still on 3.24 for months duh.  I've fixed this now. Maybe this is all it takes?
They are both plugged into the AES 32 and set to internal, correct?


4 (edited by bigtree 2011-11-03 00:13:07)

Re: Clock Sync dropping

I should elaborate. The card is set to internal and the QS are set to AES,


Re: Clock Sync dropping

Is your firmware updated to rev 8? If you swap the cables between the 2 units and 2 ports, that should tell you if the problem is in the cable.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.


Re: Clock Sync dropping

bigtree wrote:

I should elaborate. The card is set to internal and the QS are set to AES,

..also in the clock section, and also set to DS?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Clock Sync dropping

I reinstalled both the driver and firmware again and rebooted.  Setting are all as recommended. It seems to have cleared up but I'm not mastering / switching back and forth but it sounds promising.  thanks guys.


On the DPS AES32  Output is set to Professional. Whats that all about?


Re: Clock Sync dropping

Professional is correct for your use. The "consumer" setting reduces the output voltage for compatibility with SPDIF.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

9 (edited by bigtree 2011-11-03 04:37:58)

Re: Clock Sync dropping

Its still doing it. Its does this when I go up in sample rate, not down. From 44.1 to 88.2 . The other way around is slick. The QS' take quite awhile to lock up. The one on the second card is the one that has more trouble. I've switched the cable around and its no different.



Re: Clock Sync dropping

Firmware versions of your QS? Did you set both to Follow Clock Mode (manual page 20)?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Clock Sync dropping

Firmware would be the current download however, isn't upgrading only the card? I thought the QS firmware was something needed to be done by a tech?

I'll look for page 20 now, thanks.


Re: Clock Sync dropping

MC wrote:

Firmware versions of your QS? Did you set both to Follow Clock Mode (manual page 20)?

Yes, FC is set on both.



Re: Clock Sync dropping

You can not download the firmware of the QS. Manual page 43: At the time of writing this manual, the unit is shipped with firmware 1.2. The firmware version is displayed after power on for about one second on the level meters of the ADI-8 QS.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Clock Sync dropping

They are both 1.2

Is there a better location to put the cards? Right now they are on the bottom last to slots.



Re: Clock Sync dropping

If the error stayed with one unit while changing the cable (only on the QS side), and both units are set identical, then one unit seems to have a under-spec sensitive AES input that needs to be checked/repaired.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Clock Sync dropping

Hi guys thank you for helping me here. After switching various cable and the QS' around its the card. Track 4 and 8 are the ones with the clock noise. What do you suggest?


Re: Clock Sync dropping

Okay, more testing. I removed the second card and it still occurs when either QS is hooked to the main card using various AES cable.  Its the card, yes?

Here is the breakdown:

If I turn the QS' off and on while running it will resolve everytime. I can repeat this noise over and over if I close my DAW, turn off the QS', turn the QS' back on, open the DAW, track 4, 8, 12 will repeat this noise.


Re: Clock Sync dropping

MC wrote:

If the error stayed with one unit while changing the cable (only on the QS side), and both units are set identical, then one unit seems to have a under-spec sensitive AES input that needs to be checked/repaired.

I can get either QS to do this, Its the card yes?  NOTE: the clock sound occurs on 4 and 8 . Does this help isolate what it could be?



Re: Clock Sync dropping

Ooops - sorry, have to ask again: did you exchange the cable on both sides to make sure it is not the cable? What kind of cables do you use there?

It could be the card, but I can't remember to have heared about such a fault before.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Clock Sync dropping

Yes, I have switched the cable and the QS's around. The cable is Mogami AES 110 ohm.

What would make it so I turn off the QS and back on they correct this sound? If it is on 4 and 8 with both cables, what do you think. The card for certain?



Re: Clock Sync dropping

I am still confused whre the problem shows up exactly. Is it that the ADI-8 inputs show unlock on specific inputs (flashing LED)? The outputs of the card are (regarding clock) fully identical, there is no way to cause an effect like that except for too low carrier voltage. And that could still be the card's output stage, the cable, or the QS inputs stage.

If the problem is in the input of the card similar logic applies. The outputs of one QS are fully in sync (in hardware), so the only possible failure would be too low carrier voltage. And that could be the card's output stage, the cable, or the QS inputs stage.

It seems without further equipment/cables the error can not be identified exactly.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Clock Sync dropping

Its a high pitch sound btw , I'm reading I'm not alone here.

Yes, the green lights are stable when this noise occurs. It will also happen if I go from 44.1 to 88.2 etc. Always going up.

I have switched cables and the problem still occurs. The cables have been sent away to be tested and came back healthy and well. Both QS produce this noise off the main card. The sound will stop if I reset the clock by going through ADAT, 44.1,48, WCK and back to AES, or some times if I pull the AES cable out and back in. I can repeat this over and over.

The noise is coming from 4 and 8



Re: Clock Sync dropping

Well, then it seems the most easy next step is to try a different AES card....

Matthias Carstens

24 (edited by bigtree 2011-11-28 01:03:46)

Re: Clock Sync dropping

Yes, I would like to do this ASAP. Its definitely the top card acting up. Thanks for your support.


Re: Clock Sync dropping


Regarding too low carrier voltage   To isolate either the QS, HDSPe card or both.  Is there any record of this ever happening in the past?



Re: Clock Sync dropping

Sorry, no. Or maybe I should say 'Luckily, no'.

Matthias Carstens