Topic: HDSPE AIO - Noise

Hi Guys,
I have just installed my HDSPE AIO and I'm getting noise through the headphones and speakers.
Upon reading searching the forum I have seen other users have resolved this problem by changing power saving settings on their bios, unfortunately, the names for these settings arent the same on my motherboard.
Can anyone help me please?
My card serial number is 23311147

My motherboard is a Biostar GF7050, I am using Win7 64bit.

Thank you.

Re: HDSPE AIO - Noise

Hi guys, I have done more reading and I believe this to be a grounding problem, so its not the card as such, the only problem I have now is resolving it.
I unplugged everything from the PC except the power cable and the headphones and I still get interference that sounds like noises when the computer is working.
I have a good quality PSU, which I purchased separately from the system case, so it is unlikely that the PSU is at fault.
The only real culprit is the motherboard, it does have an onboard audio chip, but all of this is disabled in the BIOS, I have tried looking for power management settings in the BIOS, which some people who had asus motherboards had some success by disabling, unfortunately they are all named different things on my motherboard because it s made by Biostar.
I do have the Balanced breakout cable also, but I dont have any XLR cables to see if that will help at least with the noise on the speakers, but even so I dont think that would remedy the problem with headphones as well.

Can anyone with any experience of ground loops help me out here because this really is detracting from my enjoyment of an otherwise fantastic sound card.

Even if this means buying another motherboard I am willing to do so, but I would need some kind of certainty that it would resolve the issue before I spent any more money.

Re: HDSPE AIO - Noise

Try disabling cool and quiet in bios

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632