Topic: Babyface latency

If anybody have Babyface and Cubase, could you be so good as to say, what latency shows Cubase if buffer settings=64, 256, 384 and 512?
(OSX if possible)

Foe example:
Apogee Duet, if buffer=384, latency in = 10.794ms, out = 10.998ms

Thank you,
Best regards


Re: Babyface latency

What Cubase shows is one thing, but have you checked that the values are correct?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by V_ad_im 2011-11-27 16:17:33)

Re: Babyface latency

Correct or not - it is not important for me for now. I jast want to see this abstract digits. If it is "secret strategic information",  send it by mail smile

Re: Babyface latency

Hm.... Nobody have babyface??

Re: Babyface latency

V_ad_im wrote:

Apogee Duet, if buffer=384, latency in = 10.794ms, out = 10.998ms

input laency=2.250 ms
output latency= 1.979 ms

input laency=2.917 ms
output latency= 2.646 ms

input laency=4.250 ms
output latency= 3.979 ms

input laency=6.917 ms
output latency= 6.646 ms

input laency=12.250 ms
output latency= 11.979 ms

input laency=22.917 ms
output latency= 22.646 ms

Cubase 6 (64bit) on 10.6.8

MacBook Pro i7 - 8 GB Ram | RME Babyface | Adam A7x | Cubase 6.x | Snow Leopard 10.6.8

6 (edited by V_ad_im 2011-12-02 19:32:50)

Re: Babyface latency

Thank you very much!!!! ChordSolo, you a first, who just answer question, what I need, without philosophy )) (on other, russian forum,  people had writed about 20 messages without direct answer! ))