1 (edited by smartinuf 2011-11-28 01:30:00)

Topic: Best Convertors, ADI DS, ADI Pro, Fireface?

I have an ADI 8 DS and AN ADI Pro (for Home setup) and also a Fireface 800 that I bought for doing live recordings. Since I'm not doing much live work anymore, I thought I would integrate the Fireface 800 into my home studio setup for 24 channels. I'm wondering how these devices are regarded as to which have the best A/D, D/A convertors so that I can prioritize them in use. Fireface would be used in convertor only mode through a Digiface on Mac Pro (I'm assuming this is best for efficiency and latency rather than using fireface interface, please correct me if I'm wrong). I guess I should mention I'm clocking with Lucid Genx 6-96.

Any other possible issues I may encounter?

Thanks, Stephen

Re: Best Convertors, ADI DS, ADI Pro, Fireface?


Re: Best Convertors, ADI DS, ADI Pro, Fireface?

Hi Stephen,
This setup will work fine.
You will need to install the Fireface 800 drivers in order to setup up the unit as a stand alone AD/DA.
Once the unit is setup and the routing is saved to it you can unplug it from the firewire port and it will behave just like the ADI-8 units.
The AD/DA although technically not as good as the ADI-8 series will sound very very close.

If you are only using the ADI units and the Fireface as digtial converters then you should need the Lucid to clock everything.
As long as you are using the AD and DA of each unit then just set them all to slave tot he Digiface and set the Digiface as Master.


Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: Best Convertors, ADI DS, ADI Pro, Fireface?

Thanks Chris, that's helpful. Are the convertors in the ADI-8 Pro and ADI 8 DS considered the same, quality-wise? I cannot remember which unit I purchased first and I think it was at a time when there was a lot lot of development going on in convertor chips though I can't really hear a difference.

Thanks, Stephen