Topic: Patch input to headphones on Fireface UC?


I'm guessing this will be quite an easy thing to 'patch in' but to be honest I'm a bit baffled after reading the manual regarding the TotalMix feature.

I have 3 stereo outputs going out of the Fireface through a summing mixer and analogue compressor and 1 stereo out of the summing mixer and back into a stereo input on the Fireface, all I want to do is monitor this input via the headphone output on the Fireface. Everything I try either results in no sound at all or the phasing of multiple signals together.

Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Many thanks


Re: Patch input to headphones on Fireface UC?

In Submix mode, select the Phones out in the mixer view, so this output is highlighted (other outputs channels are greyed out). Now the Input and Software playback channels reflect the routings to this specific output pair. Pull down all the faders in the middle (playback) row so software outs are not sent to the phones. Pull up the faders on the top row for the input form the summing mixer.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Patch input to headphones on Fireface UC?

Thanks Jeff - really appreciate it. I'll try that now :-)