Topic: HDSPe Card Disalignment


I recently purchased a HDSPe card and Multiface II.  The card, my motherboard, and my case are not working together very well. 

When the metal plate is aligned with the opening in the back of my case, the card is pushed a little too far away from the PCIe slots, so it will not plug in at all.  I unscrewed the metal plate from the card and was able to plug it in, but when I align the plate with the case opening and try to screw them back together, they are slightly misaligned. 

I haven't tried turning on the computer with the card installed, but I'm fairly certain that it will work.  However, it is very wobbly because it is not screwed to the metal plate, which should in turn be screwed into my case.

What can I do?

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

I had a similar problem with my previous motherboard (Asus P5K3 deluxe).
I think the main cause was that the mb had bent a little, so that it was tending to become 'concave' when the card was pushed in (because of the relatively small footprint of the PCIe connector).
Therefore it was a bit of a design problem.
There was nothing much I could do, I had to do without the screw - it was working OK, although not ideal. I'm sure some engineer would be able to find a solution ...

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Thanks for writing.  My motherboard isn't bent at all though, and my wireless internet card (which is PCI, not PCIe) fits perfectly.

If the screw holes were shifted just slightly on the metal plate to make the total length just a bit longer, it would fit just fine.  I'm hoping that if I measure the needed difference, RME can send me a custom plate with the screw holes drilled differently so that I can attach it to my card.

Without this card working, all of my other gear is sitting, useless.

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Is it not possible to bend the metal plate somewhat? Might be faster then hoping RME will make you a custom one......

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Not likely to be an issue of the card at all... I would assume it has to do with the way the mainboard is installed/fit into the case here. I don't think this can be solved from our side.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

While I do love my Lian-Li PC cases, they seem to suffer from this very issue (with all PCI/PCIe cards, not just RME).  I believe this is an issue with the case itself and a deviation in "MoBo -to- PCI Slot" alignment specs.  It hasn't been enough of an issue to cause connectivity problems with my system, but the alignment is not quite perfect and does seem to mechanically stress the cards.

My much cheaper Antec PC cases seem to align perfectly - go figure...


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Bending the metal will not help because I need addition length.

I'm using an rackmount PC case by iStar USA, shown here: … l=D-400-7P

The motherboard (Gigabyte z68) is installed fine, and my other card fits fine, which is why I am confused.

Even though it is PCI and my RME card is PCIe, these two cards should have the same distance between the metal cover and where the plug for the motherboard begins.  My PCI and PCIe slots are all lined up (each is the same distance from their respective opening at the back of the case). 

If I send measurements, can I be sent a metal piece with the screws drilled in a slightly different place?

I realize this is a mass-produced product, so the drilling is likely all automated, meaning it will be a disruption to production for one to be made according to a slightly different measurement.  If you cannot accommodate me, is it possible to send me three or so (for trial and error) metal plates with the firewire hole, but without the two screw holes?  I could then find a shop to screw the holes for me.  It is a difference of less than a millimeter.

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

I have an error in all of my previous posts.

I originally tried to plug it in after travelling 11 hours by train, so I was a little tired and forgot exactly what the issue was.

The card is not lacking length.  Instead, it is about a millimeter too long.

I still need the screws moved, but in the opposite direction from what I previously specified.

9 (edited by ddd 2012-01-03 04:22:47)

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

In the interest of providing public information to others who may have this problem in the future, I'm continuing to work out my problem on this forum.

In my searching, I read that some people use glue guns to hold their hardware in place when things aren't sitting right.

I'd like to avoid putting hot glue near sensitive hardware, but it occurred to me that double-sided tape may do the job.  Does anyone see a problem with this?  I can insert the card and metal plate separately, but cannot screw them together because the screw holes on both parts are less than a millimeter off.  With two pieces of tape (one where each screw would go), at a surface area just a bit larger than that of a screw head, I suppose I can attach the parts.

To RME support: will this void my warranty?  If it ever has to be sent in, I suppose I can peel off the tape and screw the plate and card back together.

On another note, the text on the plate reads HDSP rather than HDSPe, and is also upside down compared to all pictures of the card on the internet.

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Please provide pictures of the card, separately and in the case.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

The is a very common issue with the d-400 series cases where a PCI/PCI-e card does not push down fully into the PCI back plan slot. This is because there is a small slot on the bottom of the case that is not cut right and is too small for the thickness of the HDSP PCI/PCI-e back plate to fit.

Here is a picture of the the slots location. Had to blow it up so hopefully it is clear for you.

All you need to do is insert a wide flat head screw driver into the slot and work it back and forth which bends and widens the slot enough for the card to fully seat itself.
You will need to un-mount the motherboard from the case but to do not need to completely remove it. Just remember to remove any PCI/PCI-e cards, peripherals, and power connections before doing this.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas


Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your assistance.  The metal plate pushes down fine.  The issue is not vertical, but horizontal.  I've attached a diagram that shows the problem.  Green is the case boundary, red is the slot location, and the thin grey shows the displacement.

The only solution I can think of is to shorten the length (horizontal) of the card.  The only way I can think of to do this is to move the screw holes.  According to my diagram, this would entail moving the screw holes to the left so that the card can be moved toward the back of the case (toward the slot).

It will take much time and work to get the part and screw the holes so that they line up perfectly.  I can achieve the same end by removing the screws, inserting the card and the plate separately (which causes the screw holes in each to be slightly displaced), and using double-sided tape to attach the two together.

Will this void my warranty?  The only real modification will be that glue gunk could possibly stay on the card if I ever remove the tape.  I can always remove both pieces and screw them back together. 

I will post real pictures if needed.

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Something is really wrong with the installation of this motherboard if this is the case. Every PCIe card will have the same offset, so you'd better fix the real problem instead of modifying your HDSP card.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment


What he said... I would consider another case...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Yes Jeff and Daniel beat me to it.
It does sound like either then mother board is not installed correctly or the case's motherboard mounting holes were not drilled correctly.
The latter would not surprise me at all. I Star rack cases in general are good quality. Poor QA when it comes to the mounting holes is common with cases but usually just with the super cheap one.
Checking that the motherboard is properly mounted or replacing the case would be the least expensive and dangerous options IMHO.


Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas


Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Thank you for your replies.  My case is not very expensive, but is not extremely low end either. I paid $275 USD for it with PSU.  It seems to be very high quality.

As for the case dimensions, motherboard dimensions, or motherboard installation having problems, I do not think that this is the case.  I have a PCI card installed for wireless internet and it is lined up perfectly.  As you know, a PCI card plug, like PCIe, is not only one section.  Mine is divided into two, and this lines up perfectly with the PCI slot that is also of two sections.  The gap between sections is very small, and the card and slot plug in easily without any forcing.  The same is true for the metal plate that inserts between the motherboard and the end of the case.

I do not think that there is a problem with your actual card, but is it possible that the screw holes on the metal plate could have between mistakenly offset?

Provided that I use high quality tape that is double sided in order to connect the plate and the card, so long as it holds well so that tight contact is kept between the parts, do you agree that the card as a whole will be as stable as if the screws were in use?  As the card will be in the slot, the metal plate will be pushed into its place, and the plate will also be screwed on to the case, I do think that it will be fine.  It is too much of a hassle for me to order a new case that may have the same problem, wait for it to arrive, and transfer all of my computer components.  I was hoping to start my project last week and would like to have all of my gear up and running by the weekend.

As long as this does not void my warranty, I will proceed.  If taping were hypothetically my only solution, would you recommend:
a. Double-sided tape as I specified
b. Taping over the screw hole, around the top of the card, and onto the other side of the screw hole
c. Both
d. Glue gun? (hopefully not)
e. Another method of attachment

By choosing an option, I will in no way interpret it as admitting to a product defect. 

Thank you again for your assistance.  I am greatly anticipating the low latency.

17 (edited by FrankenStrat 2012-01-06 09:04:54)

Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

DDD, before you modify the card, if you measure the distance from the inside of the card's mounting plate to the PCIe connectors on the card the guys at RME should be able to confirm whether or not it's within specification.


Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Great idea.  Hopefully I can get on that.  I'm living in a temporary location so I don't think I have a ruler or tape measure handy, but I'll see if I can find one. 

Can any RME staff comment on the taping options?


Re: HDSPe Card Disalignment

Hello, my problem has been solved.

I unscrewed my motherboard and then, like Chris suggested, I used a screwdriver to widen the slot for the metal plate.  This was not to allow the card to sit in fully like Chris suggested, but it did bend the case a bit outwards, allowing the plate to sit a little further towards the back.  Unscrewing the motherboard also allowed me to move it ever so slightly away from the back of the case and still be able to screw it back in.

I haven't installed the drivers or updated the Multiface firmware yet, but the card does power the Multiface (Host light is lit) and the card is recognized in Windows Device Manager.

Thanks to all for the help and I'm so glad that my package of tape can be left unopened.