Topic: Max lenght fw 800 cable for FF800?

This might have been asked, but is 15feet risky for fw800 cable lenght (w fireface 800)?

What is the max lenght i can go safely?

Re: Max lenght fw 800 cable for FF800?

Check this out !!!


Re: Max lenght fw 800 cable for FF800?

I use cables longer than 15 feet and never noticed problems, and I have lots of I/O and 2 hard drives on the chain.

hope this helps

Re: Max lenght fw 800 cable for FF800?

Thanks for this.

Do you mean two fw hdd with the same chain as the fireface??....

I thought putting a hdd was a no-no.

Re: Max lenght fw 800 cable for FF800?

yes I mean that. I have a FW800 MacPower Taurus dual HD and I always use it with my FF800. I use one HD for recording and the other for playing back samples. Most of the time I work @ 44.1/48 and my projects are medium size (24 to 48 tracks). I also use a Rosetta800 for the conversion and extra outputs and sometimes I even connect a FF400. In MY case I did not experienced problems with the FW800 chain.