1 (edited by PhilippeMustang 2012-01-24 21:01:15)

Topic: USB playback on UFX with wrong speed ?

Hi to all,
This Week-End, we were rehearsing with my little band and recording some songs on 4 channels.
I record direct to Reaper (it works great), but I use an USB stick as a backup.
Today, when I tried to playback directly from the USB stick in the DUREC menu, I chose the file UFX4_00.WAV with the UFX buttons and click the "play" menu green button. I can hear all the inputs I triggered as "recordable" in the record view, but it was like if the speed was half the real speed (like if I played a tape at slower speed, with sssllloooowww anndd llowww voice of Barry White).
I extracted the files from the USB stick and exploded them into 4 tracks in reaper, and there, the speed was perfect.
So my problem seems to occure only in the Standalone mode.
Do you have any idea (for example, switching the UFX from 44100 to 48000 Hz between sessions could be a problem ?)
Thanks for your help,

Re: USB playback on UFX with wrong speed ?

Seems like the file was recorded with a higher samplerate than you play it later in the UFX. E. g. record it with 96 kHz and play it back with 44.1 or 48 kHz.

best regards

Re: USB playback on UFX with wrong speed ?

Thanks Knut, I'll try to change sample rate and check.

In fact I never change sample rate, but there is this question each time I connect the UFX to my PC saying something like "press yes if you don't want to restore to default or No if you are happy in life and want to keep the previous settings and reset".
It is so unclear to me that I click the wrong answer each time (and you know, as I am a happy owner of the UFX ...)
So it may come from that "click" thing in windows (is there a mode that you could call : "please don't ask" hidden somewhere in TotalMixFx settings ?)

Anyway thanks again Knut and I'll try different settings to find back what was the rate when I was recording.

Best regards,


Re: USB playback on UFX with wrong speed ?

The latest drivers have that mode.

Matthias Carstens

Re: USB playback on UFX with wrong speed ?

Hi Mathias,

I installed the last drivers (well, the drivers that were the latest at the time I had the question), and I did not have the startup question. But since then, I installed the very last beta drivers (the ones that allow you to hide unused inputs/outputs and that make a much more visible screen).
... I now still have the "question of death" that appears some times.

For example, I share my laptop with my wife that is not interrested in music (I know, I live dangerously ...). When she starts her session in Windows 7, the question appears, and she choses to answer yes or no in a "random way".

Is the "Please Don't Ask" feature included in the latest drivers ?
Is there an option somewhere in TotalMixFX that I should validate ?
Maybe something is related to the drivers installation on Windows 7 when multiple accounts are available at boot time ?

Thanks for your time answering,
Best regards,


Re: USB playback on UFX with wrong speed ?

That's a little bit unclear - you used that feature but don't know where it is? TotalMix Options/Preferences. Last point at the bottom.

Matthias Carstens

Re: USB playback on UFX with wrong speed ?

pref / always init dsp devices, it is also in the 0,963

Re: USB playback on UFX with wrong speed ?

Thanks All,

I finally found it and understood the meaning of "Always init DSP devices with TotalMix FX Settings".
I also remarked that when I check this option ... it doesn't seem to have any effect in my wife's session of TotalMix FX, So I went to her session, and also checked this option in her TotalMix FX.

I tried to completely remove the TotalMix Fx software from her session startup (I just imagine I will have to start this process again when I update drivers ..).
So I went to Regedit / Software / Windows / RunOnce and deleted the 2 entries from RME, but as you guessed ... it removed mine also ...

I will reinstall the driver, but is there a way not to install it to all other users session ?
(if not, that's not a big problem MC, I'll remain an unclear customer, and just change wife ;-)

Please both of you have an excellent Sunday,


Re: USB playback on UFX with wrong speed ?

Depends on your wife, only you can know... wink

The run entries are global, as far as I know.

Matthias Carstens