Topic: Buffer size 32 RME FF800 and PT9 or PT10 on Mac Pro
Has any progress been made as to why Pro Tools (9 or 10) cannot run at a buffer size of 32 with RME FF800. 32 shows up as a choice, however, play or record does nothing - it does not crash is just does nothing. Buffer size 64 works fine. My system is the latest Mac Pro 4 Core. OS Snow Leopard 10.6.8. Pro Tools 9.0.3. Note that Cubase 5 works just fine at a buffer size of 32 so I don't think this is an issue with the RME FF800 not being able to use a buffer size of 32. However, there is some interaction between Pro Tools 9 and the FF800 that does not allow 32. Has anyone had any success with this issue?