Topic: Standalone control of UFX via external midi controller


First of all, I'd like to say I am very happy of my UFX : It works exactly as adverted and RME team is adding new features every once in a while with software/driver updates, that is perfect !!
Now we have, with the latest TotalMix FX software, the possibility to mask from the screen/the midi output, the unused inputs and outputs. The screen layout is now perfect and much clearer, thanks for that.

Now, I am just about to buy an external midi controller. I have looked at the BCF2000, but it seems "heavy and large". I understand that you need 2 midi cables to hook it to the UFX. Based on what I understand, it can be used on concert to control levels of inputs and output (only the 5 selected inputs and the 3 selected outputs for example, that would fit my needs).
I would prefer an other unit like the Korg NanoKontrol 2, but I doubt it can control the UFX in "standalone mode".

So : I would like to control the UFX in standalone, what are the options ? (shall I wait for a possibility of doing this via an Ipad ?)

Thanks for your feedback,


Re: Standalone control of UFX via external midi controller


It doesn't work.
See my post here : … 885#p62885

No more since.

Re: Standalone control of UFX via external midi controller

Thanks Toltek,

On an other forum, a guy has a BCF2000 and an UFX, I asked him to try if he can hide the unused midi channels with the new drivers and TotalMix FX and see if it works "the way I want" (that is, directly connected to the UFX with midi inputs and outputs to set during a concerte 5 inputs and 3 outputs of the UFX with the sliders of the BCF2000).

When I heard of the possibility of doing this with an iPad, I didn't understand it couldn't be done easily (or maybe but with some limitations I still do not understand). From what I understand (I know I don't understand quickly and sometimes my written english is far from perfect and may confuse the readers), there is a possibility to do it in the future ...

As I did not buy a BCF2000 nor an iPad ... I wait and see

Re: Standalone control of UFX via external midi controller


I have used the BCF2000 in standalone mode and it works fine.  I have not tried to use the new "hide channels" feature in standalone mode so I can't say for sure it works.  It works well when using a computer.  However, the faders will either respond to Inputs or Outputs, not both at the same time.  So you can't have faders 1-5 control inputs and faders 6-8 control outputs.  You can toggle between ins and outs easily, so I don't find this to be a major problem.

It is definitely heavy and large, but small compared to most standalone mixers.

I don't believe you can use an iPad to control the UFX in standalone mode, but perhaps there is a clever way to do this that I am unaware of.

Re: Standalone control of UFX via external midi controller

Thanks Neirbord for your help and info on the In/out with the BCF2000.

Yes it is a quite "large solution" for a remote command (and that's why I was looking for an other option with the iPad.

From what I supposed in the thread : that is entitled "Class Compliant UFX ?", I guess it can be a possibility to use the iPad as a "super remote command" in the future with an app like Lemur and a template as I started to build. But I am still unsure of it (I am not familiar with midi / Class Compliant / Osc / Osx / TouchOsc ... terms).

Maybe I should wait for ... Windows 8 and Tablet PCs to have a TotalMixFX (the new one that allows to hide unused track and that's great) with an USB cable connected to the UFX ... at least, I know it should work the way I expect !

Thanks again to all posters that help me see clearer,

Re: Standalone control of UFX via external midi controller

I've been reading with curiosity how the MIDI control on UFX is developing.
At the moment, my solution is just to use cheap netbook I bought 4 years ago and use long USB cable to do the DUREC. When I have a full capacity computer (either rack mount portable PC or thinkpad W520), I just use wireless HDMI transmitter to send video signal to remote monitor, and the computer stays with UFX.
The problem is the range of the HDMI transmitter, which is somewhat short, and requires "line of sight". It's okay to place the HD monitor 30-40ft away from the transmitter, but more than that, transmission gets finicky. Longer than that, I'm thinking HDMI-Cat5 repeater.