1 (edited by ben ifin 2012-02-24 10:55:50)

Topic: UCX 'vs' UC .... ultra-low-latency comparison ... is this correct ?

Hi all !

In comparing the ultra low latecny performance of the  UC  'vs'  the UCX, is my maths / latency figues below accurate:-


AD  43 Samples
DA  28 Samples


AD  14 Samples
DA   7 Samples

So ...... at  44.1k and at a 48 Sample Buffer setting, the total round trip latency for each is as follows:-


AD  43 Samples
DA  28 Samples
Buffer In  48 Samples
Buffer Out  48 Samples
Safety Buffer  32 Samples

Total Round Trip Latency at 44.1k  =  199 Samples  or  ~ 4.5ms


AD  14 Samples
DA   7 Samples
Buffer In  48 Samples
Buffer Out  48 Samples
Safety Buffer  32 Samples

Total Round Trip Latency at 44.1k  =  149 Samples  or  ~ 3.4ms

So in conclusion, at a 48 Sample Buffer setting @44.1k the UCX  is a full  1.1ms  or  %25 lower latecny than the UC  ?

Is the above correct ?


Re: UCX 'vs' UC .... ultra-low-latency comparison ... is this correct ?

......... bump .......... anyone from RME confirm / not confirm ( ? ) ........... bump ............

3 (edited by JarrettPaul 2012-03-13 10:01:17)

Re: UCX 'vs' UC .... ultra-low-latency comparison ... is this correct ?

Would be interesting to know. Then UCX should only be  %25 percent more expensive.

Re: UCX 'vs' UC .... ultra-low-latency comparison ... is this correct ?

Hi Jarrett,

why would it only be 25% more expensive? you have a lower latency, but you also get better pre's, better conversion, DSP and it works with an iPad! aswell as totalmix FX

Re: UCX 'vs' UC .... ultra-low-latency comparison ... is this correct ?

Right you arrrrr, Capt. Just wishful thinkin on my part. I want the UCX but she just be a touch out of my pocket range.

Re: UCX 'vs' UC .... ultra-low-latency comparison ... is this correct ?

Id would seriously consider saving for an extra couple of months, it really is worth it!