Topic: Lemur OSC template "beta1"
This is a first version of the lemur osc template I am working on (at the moment am porting the UI from the touchOSC template). Actually it's my first lemur template at all. Since I have not much time for it at the moment I thought I release this to you so you got something to play or even to work on. I only have a fireface UC so its hard to test all features supported by the osc commands.
Some known issues/problems:
- Mixer section (page1) is done.
- Channel section (page2) just started.
- some buttons behave laggy (mute all, solo all, dim....) compared to touchOSC: it's working better using a direct (ad-hoc) wifi connection to the totalmixFX host. I am still trying to figure out the reason why - I think it has todo with the osc reply (maybe timing) of totalmix. I was not able to get pads working reliable on that functions at all. custom buttons kinda work but you might need to press a few times. maybe rme programmers can look at these functions and their osc backcalls/replies?
- Switching between pages (interfaces) wont reflect changes made in the other yet.
- To get initial values you may start first lemur and totalmix after it. or if you don't get osc values when totalmix is already running press channel/bank to get osc replies with values back.
- ....
As soon I have more time I will go on with it. Feel free to work on it and please post back enhancements (or msg me... bug reports welcome).