Topic: RME ASIO 1024 sample buffer - possible w/PT9?

Hi all

I'm running PT 9.0.6 under Windows 7 and currently using an RME Babyface with driver 1.019. Previously I was using an RME Fireface 400 with driver 3.067.

In both cases, if I launch PT9 with the RME ASIO buffer set to 1024 samples, PT simply doesn't play (with ANY session). No error message, but no audio either. It is as if transport has not even been clicked.

Changing to a buffer size smaller than 1024 works fine.

Is this a known issue? It seems odd that the larger buffer would be a problem, but the smaller buffer is not.

(Note that I'm not referring to the inability to change buffer sizes while PT is running.)

Can anyone advise please?