Topic: Sampling/Monitoring

I installed RME 9632, updated the firmware to 154, driver is 3.27, installation wasn't easy, because I had to do it manually, there was no wizard etc. But in the end, all went well.
I have the 2 regular breakout cable, 9 and 15pin (RCA, MIDI, phones)...
Only connection: RCA out, L-R goes to AMP in.

My problem is, I can not re-sample, from media player or virtual synthesizers.
Let me explain: One sampler = Maschine has 8 virtual in, and 12 virtual out, they all show, no problem.
Then I open a media player and I want to sample the output into any input of Maschine, but I do not succeed. There is no audio input into Maschine....
What am I doing wrong? Do I need some other cables?
Many thanx for reply

Re: Sampling/Monitoring

See manual, "Recording a Subgroup"

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Sampling/Monitoring

RME Support wrote:

See manual, "Recording a Subgroup"
Daniel Fuchs

Thank you for help, I am a firm believer in RTFM, (I have printed most of the manual), this sound card and software is so sophisticated, it'll take me a while to figure it all out...

I got it (recording) working:-)

Many thanx for pointing me in right direction
Regards, Karel