Topic: Recording problems with both FF800 and Digiface

I've loaded RME on several laptops with almost no problems at all, so this has me baffled.

I have an almost identical machine that works fine. Here's the stats.  Dell C640, Win2000, FF800 driver 4.86, SIIG FW cardbus with TI chip, SawStudio recording software. 7200 RPM HD. 1 gig RAM.

I have reformatted the drive and re-installed the O/S, so the machine is clean - no other software other than drivers for the laptop (downloaded from Dell via the service tag no.) and SawStudio. Did this twice hoping that it was a bad install.

The input monitored through Totalmix is fine. No glitches. Perfect. But, when I record, the audio is useless. It's more glitches than audio and sounds like word clock is severely out of sync (yes, I checked the WC input). Everything looks fine on the set-up page as well. Everything shows to be locked / synced.

This happens with either the FF800 or the Digiface (with the correct input card) and it happens with Digicheck recording software as well. I have a near identical machine running the same O/S and hardware.and it's been great for years (hoping it stays that way). That's why I bought another one. This happens on as few as 2 tracks (haven't tried just recording one)

Normally I load the O/S and drivers, update the bios, load RME drivers and SawStudio and I'm up and running, no issues. I have 4 RME interfaces and 3 computers and have updated them all from time to time, but this has me stumped. I'm sure it's a service or switch that I'm missing.

Any help?


Re: Recording problems with both FF800 and Digiface

Sounds like the hard drive is too slow - might be missing correct SATA drivers or uses IDE mode instead of AHCI. Or some stupid background tool (might be even from Dell). Check this one too:

Matthias Carstens

Re: Recording problems with both FF800 and Digiface

It's a new 7200 rpm drive, so I didn't think about it too much. Thank you for the tool. I'll try it and get back to you.


4 (edited by plus6vu 2012-04-26 02:24:11)

Re: Recording problems with both FF800 and Digiface

I ran the check and it's Cycling between 30 us and 380 us with an occasional peak around 1360 us. I'll admit my ignorance on whether that's good or not, but the checker says it should be able to handle audio and video streaming. What's your opinion?

Thanks for the help,

PS: Just as a reference, I check the other machine that's just like it and so far reliable and it cycles between 150 us and 400 us. The highest peak was 427 us.


Re: Recording problems with both FF800 and Digiface

You have to run the check while you are using your DAW, means audio and hard drive in action.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Recording problems with both FF800 and Digiface

Okay. I was unaware. I'll try that as soon as possible. Thanks for your help and patience.


Re: Recording problems with both FF800 and Digiface

I was finally in a situation where I had time to run the test and then set up my regular laptop to do a recording.

The results are quite different than previous, as you probably already knew.
They cycle between 199 us, 515 us and as high as 18,791 us staying near peak levels more often than not. That's with only 4 tracks recording.

As a reference, I checked another machine that is generally reliable, but has occasional glitches (which I would also like to fix) and it runs about 500 us with peaks at 4342 us about every 15 seconds.

I know that I am a bit slow keeping up, but fortunately business is good and I'm working while trying to get this machine up and reliable.

Thank you again,


Re: Recording problems with both FF800 and Digiface

18 ms halt is not acceptable, and typically caused by accessing the CD-ROM drive. 4 ms is stil too high. Every 15 seconds sounds like writing to the hard drive. You can check both by the drive LED.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Recording problems with both FF800 and Digiface

Thanks Mathias.

I'll try to take a look at the light(s). One is an older Dell C640. I'm not sure that it has a light for the CD. Like I said in the original post, I have another just like it that works well, so I had high hopes for this one.

It's been a while and I don't remember. How do I stop Windows 2K from periodically checking the CD drive?

I'll get the Dell online and then we can address the other one.

I appreciate your help.
