Topic: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Hi everyone,

Can you please help me, as I am not seeming able to find the combination that works for this. I can successfully make the two work perfectly with Analog connections.  Just not digital.

The Bricasti offers XLR AES INPUT and XLR AES OUTPUT.  I am trying to connect those to the SPDIF COAXIAL connections on the RME Multiface 2.  What would be the correct configuration for that (on the Mtuliface 2)?  Here is what I have tried so far.

1.  COAXIAL SPDIF input and output cables to XLR AES INPUT/OUTPUT connections on Bricasti M7.  Then I changed the internal clock source to SPDIF IN and it only locks at 32000HZ no matter what I do.  This causes the Bricasti to sit there saying digital status unknown.

2.  If I try to use any other clock source besides SPDIF IN, I get massive feedback through my monitors.  (I do not have my DAW open, nothing is open except the RME Control panel and totalmix).

3.   I have sent the SPDIF output to the Bricasti M7, but then sent the Bricasti OUTPUT to my Lavry DAC instead of back into the Multiface 2 and it worked perfectly!  The problem is, this doesn't help me get my audio returned into my DAW haha.

I want to route the Bricasti to and from the multiface 2 using the SPDIF Coaxial connections.  My Lavry DAC is connected via ADAT optical.  Here are 2 screenshots of my RME DSP Settings Control Panel and driver.

Can someone please help me make this work, I would very much appreciate it.

Multiface 2, Lavry DA10, Bricasti M7 V2, ATC Monitors
Windows 7 64-bit, i930 Processor, Cubase 6.5

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

With a very quick glance, it appears you need to set your "SPDIF In" to "Coax".  In addition, your don't need the "ADAT" box checked in the "SPDIF OUT" section (this should not affect your setup, but it will render your ADAT Output useless for ADAT Optical outputs to other gear).

Make sure the Bricasti is set to slave to the AES Input, or use a BNC Wordclock connection to sync it to the MF-II.


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Thanks Randy,

In the picture I had it set to SPDIF IN optical because if it is set to coaxial it absolutely blows my house down with digital feedback smile.  All in all the goal is to get it to that setting, but with the right combination so it doesn't blow my head off with screaming feedback on all inputs and outputs smile.  If I put the clock source to SPDIF IN, it lets me click coaxial but it locks in at 32000HZ and the lights on my Lavry DAC, the MF2 and the Bricasti blink and go into a very confused state (looks like they are all 3 trying to sync but failing a miserable death).

I didn't notice the Bricasti having a setting to make it "slave" but I will look.  I only seen "digital output or analog" in the system interface.  But I just got it yesterday so I am still learning it smile.

I have my ADAT output checked because the optical output is going to my Lavry DAC which controls my ATC Monitors.

Thanks again and if you or anyone has an idea of how to fix this please let me know smile.

Multiface 2, Lavry DA10, Bricasti M7 V2, ATC Monitors
Windows 7 64-bit, i930 Processor, Cubase 6.5

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Try this first. Only 1 spdif cable from brasc out to rme in. Set rme to spdif clocksource, make sure spdif in is set to coaxial. Does the rme slave ok? if not then this is the first issue to solve. If it doesn´t work it is probably the cable.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Hi Vincent,

I tried that and it didn't work.  They will not clock to each other or sync properly.  The SPDIF light on the RME Blinks about 8-10 times then finally settles in at the 32000HZ and I get massive drop outs of audio from the Bricasti.

However, if I take that same connection directly to my Lavry DA converter it works flawlessly.  It just does not like going into the RME MF2.  I can send the output SPDIF of MF2 to Bricasti, then Bricasti into Lavry instead of back into the MF2 and it works absolutely perfectly (instantly they all sync to 44100).  So I don't think it's the cable, unless there is a difference between the DA10 Lavry SPDIF connection and the MF2's?

Thanks for your conitnued help, any more suggestions? smile

Multiface 2, Lavry DA10, Bricasti M7 V2, ATC Monitors
Windows 7 64-bit, i930 Processor, Cubase 6.5

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Can you get the MF2 spdif in to work with anything else?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Sure can.  It works perfectly with a CD player, a pioneer DVD player, and I also can plug in my computers SPDIF output (the one that comes built on the motherboard) and it sounds perfect.  As a matter of fact, this is what I used for the last two years (so that I could use the MF2 for ONLY audio applications, and then had windows using the onboard sound, piped out to the input of the MF2).  This way Windows sounds and other things such as testing my mixes through media player didn't interfere with my recording process.

So all I did was unplug my computers built in soundcard from the SPDIF input, and plug the Bricasti into that spot.

Multiface 2, Lavry DA10, Bricasti M7 V2, ATC Monitors
Windows 7 64-bit, i930 Processor, Cubase 6.5

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Sounds like an issue with the XLR-to-RCA adapter cable then?

PS - You won't be able to use both the ADAT and Coax SPDIF Outputs as 4 discrete channels (two channels to the Bricasti, and two different channels to your DA10).  The RME MF-II card only has the single SPDIF path - and that is routed to whatever connections are selected in the DSP Settings Dialogue.


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

I think you just pointed out the problem.  The fact that I am using my SPDIF output as Optical.  I didn't realize it's not BOTH, you are saying it is EITHER OR.  smile.  This goes back to when Randy said I didn't need ADAT OPTICAL checked in his first post.  He didn't realize it's my output to my LAVRY DAC, however now I am realizing from what you said here it isn't possible to have both.  And my LAVRY doesn't input from ADAT.  So therefore, my only option is analog connections, or to buy a format converter like the RME ADI 4 DD.

Am I correct with that?  Any other alternative that isn't as expensive?

Multiface 2, Lavry DA10, Bricasti M7 V2, ATC Monitors
Windows 7 64-bit, i930 Processor, Cubase 6.5

10 (edited by vinark 2012-05-21 18:27:26)

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

If you check spif out adat, the spdif and adat out will carry the same spdif signal, but they are both active AFAIK (here with a hdsp9652). If you check spdif in adat, the electrical spdif in is disabled.

Do both dacs have in and outputs you need?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

The Bricasti only has AES XLR input and out (so the MF2 SPDIF coaxial output is my only option to that one).  The Lavry DAC (DA10) has SPDIF Coaxial, SPDIF Optical and AES XLR.  But the Lavry has only Analog outputs.  No aditional digital sends etc on it.  Is that what you are asking?

Multiface 2, Lavry DA10, Bricasti M7 V2, ATC Monitors
Windows 7 64-bit, i930 Processor, Cubase 6.5

12 (edited by vinark 2012-05-22 13:04:01)

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Yes I was. You could connect them both if you don´t use the briscati DAC. Connect the briscate digital out to rme in. Connect rme digital out to lavry in. Set clocksource to spdif in. I´m not sure if this is useful for you or that you also want to use the analogue outputs of the briscati.

If you want that, the cheapest solution, if you have a spare pci slot, is a second hand hdsp9632 (I got one under €100) for an aditional spdif in and out.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Thanks again Vincent.

With your scenerio of Bricasti to RME, RME to Lavry I don't see where and how I am getting my DAW channels sent to the Bricasti for effects processing.  In fact I don't see anything sending to the Bricasti which would defeat the purpose of the unit.  Did I misunderstand it somehow?  The Bricasti does not allow both analog and digital simultaneous.  I either can go only digital in/out, or all analog in/out.

Thanks again.

Multiface 2, Lavry DA10, Bricasti M7 V2, ATC Monitors
Windows 7 64-bit, i930 Processor, Cubase 6.5

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Ah Ok then you will need additional digital in/out or go analogue indeed.  If you ever have a solution, will you let me know here? Just interested.
Good luck and success!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

Thanks Vincent.  I will definitely keep you updated.  Tonight I am going to run everything analog and get it all working for now.  I have to figure out how to run all this in Cubase haha.  Then I think I will pay attention for a great deal on a 9652 or 9632 on ebay to add additional inputs/outputs.  If I do this, is it easy to clock the MF2 and the 9600 card to eachother?  Am I adding a lot of latency doing so?

Thanks again for all your help.  You have been very responsive and helpful!

Multiface 2, Lavry DA10, Bricasti M7 V2, ATC Monitors
Windows 7 64-bit, i930 Processor, Cubase 6.5

Re: Multiface 2 connecting with Bricasti M7 V2 through Digital AES/SPDIF

No extra latency at all, clocking can be done through an unused adat port (I believe your adat in is unused on the MF2). The hdsp9652 also has a wordclock module which is optional for the 9632. But adat will work the same.
I don´t know where you live, but I bought my 9632 on a local sales site, my 9652 s.h. in a local shop (I live in the Netherlands, I bought it on marktplaats), which seems to be easier then winning on ebay.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632