Topic: Issue with HDSPe AES card
I have two AES cards installed in a Windows machine, running W7 64 on a Gigabyte mobo. I've got word clock run from the first card to the second and then on to the rest of my devices. I'm running Cakewalk Sonar. All firmware and drivers are current and the system is stable (no overclocking etc).
The issue that I'm having is that the first card will occasionally stop having output, while the second card still appears to function. This seems to happen at random times, and sometimes when clicking the external insert plug in and out. I've looked at power saving settings in W7 and in the BIOS and its all shut off that I can see. If I toggle the external insert plug back and forth, sometimes the card comes back. The only reliable way to get it back is to reboot the machine. This problem occurs whether or not I use any other audio playback programs in Windows (like media player or w/e).
I'm looking for other troubleshooting tips from those wiser than myself.
Thanks in advance.