Topic: Fireface 400 Power Supply

I cant seem to locate the one it came with, any good recommends on where to get a new one and the specs?

I guess i could go to radio shack, but not sure the exact output voltage.  I see the unit says 12 watts, but then it says 8-28 VDC & 8-20 VAC - so which one is it?

Re: Fireface 400 Power Supply

Hi, don't get confused with watts and volts. 8-28 VDC & 8-20 VAC is a wonderful thing, because it basically says that you can apply ANY voltage between 8-28 Volt DC (DC is found in any kind of batteries such as car batteries or lithium ion battery packs, and also most common power supplies), OR any voltage between 8-20 Volt AC, which is found in some power supplies. A little hint - since it supports AC, the DC polarity doesn't matter. You could attach + to the center pin or -. Bottom line - get one with a good connector that fits tightly, apart from that, you can't really go wrong. RME power supplies are usually 12V DC, which is a very common specification. I've tested six different power supplies with the FF 400 and none makes it sound better or worse. The device is designed to be compatible to anything just in case you forgot your power supply at home...

3 (edited by karolis_valiauga 2024-02-08 22:35:34)

Re: Fireface 400 Power Supply

Hello, All,

Will use related topic for my problem.

Have an issue and this should be long gone/solved, i guess:

I have 102V  between FF400 chassis and power socket ground, this causes some troubles, most annoying - FF disconnects from the pc while connecting/disconnecting various equipment to FF, also it is very likely to burn firewire chip in the near future as I am familiar with that issue a lot.

How this could be solved? Use some proper grounded PSU, use linear PSU? Will appreciate any advices or solutions!


Re: Fireface 400 Power Supply

This is leakage current, so not this thread. Simply ground the FF400 and the problem should be gone. Linear PS usually works too.

Matthias Carstens