Topic: 9652 physical cable loopback on ada8000?

There is no internal loopback available on the 9652 card, which I am in dire need of.... But it seems, that I have to make a physical loopback by hooking up adat out with adat in via cable on the hdsp-card.

Problem is, I'd hate to crawl behind all my gear to get acces to the card, everytime I want to use outboard when mixing, and then going back and changing it, when I want my four different monitor mixes for recording bands..

Can this physical loopback be done on the back of my Behringer ada8000 instead? That would be really handy, since it is in reach from my workspace...

Thanks a bunch!


Re: 9652 physical cable loopback on ada8000?

AFAICS no since the adats are already in use there for connecting to the 9652. Unless there exists a adat extension connection gizmo, where you could take out the 2 adats from the ada8000 and connect then to each other.
You could do an spdif loopback if not already in use and leave it.

From your post it is not really clear what you are trying to achieve, which makes it difficult to give creative solutions.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: 9652 physical cable loopback on ada8000?

Hi Vincent.

Thank you for your reply.

I'm not using my spdif channel. Maybe I should try that out.

What I'm trying to do, is using outboard gear when mixing and also trying to reamp a guitartrack. The problems I face is feedback sounds and combfiltering sounds since I'm not able to monitor the return from my outboard, without listening to the signal I'm sending from my daw simultaneously. The only explanation I've found in the manual is this thing about the physical loopback. It's just not very specific in its explanation, so I'm a bit confused and bumped out by the thought of making this physical loopback every now and then on the back of my computer...


Re: 9652 physical cable loopback on ada8000?

I´m still not 100% sure what your problems are, but the only reason for a loopback is that you are able the record the output of software. For example record the output of iTunes in cubase or whatever. For outboard fx and reamping, loopback is not needed whether  in hardware like on the 9652 or software.

This sounds like an issue with setting op your daw for the reamping and ext fx.

What daw?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: 9652 physical cable loopback on ada8000?

I use Cubase 5 as DAW.

What I want to do is as follows:

Record a drumkit with multiple mics. When mixing it, I would like to route those tracks to an output and from there to a compressor and then record the signal from the compressor.

Also, I would like to take a prerecorded DI track of guitar, route it to an output, bring that signal through guitarpedals and in to an amp, recording it with a mic on the amp.

I've unsuccessfully tried this but endend up with phaseshifting, combfiltering and backfeed sideeffects.

Maybe the loopback isn't what I need. That's just what I gathered from reading the manual and the loopback function is in the introduction to using outboard gear in the manual.

Hope you can help.


Re: 9652 physical cable loopback on ada8000?

BTW - the manual says: "A loopback is used to record the playback signal. This way, complete submixes can be recorded, the playback of a software can be recorded by another software, and several input signals can be mixed into one record channel"

I thought I wanted to record a "software playback". Cubase plays back the part I want processed. I route the playback to a submix and this submix I route out of the soundcard to my outboard gear and then route that signal to another input. Isn't that correct?


Re: 9652 physical cable loopback on ada8000?

You are missing something. TotalMix Loopback is an internal routing from the outputs to the input of the recording software, so you don't need external cables from the outs to the ins. But you want an external loopback with cables to real hardware. Don't activate Loopback, just connect the outputs to your external gear and the gear outputs to the inputs of the card.

best regards

Re: 9652 physical cable loopback on ada8000?

Yes and if you set it up correctly in cubase, read external effects in C5 manual, cubase will handle it perfectly and no totalmix needed.
This will take some willpower to get to grips with, but when you do, you will handle different future situation better too.


Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632