Topic: Mac 10.7.2 RAYDAT no go

Maybe someone can help.
I just put in a Raydat card. My 2010 Mac w/96gig of ram, etc...
The Systems Profiler doesn't even see the card in the PCI SLOT.
Just yester I had a MADI card in there with no problem.
Today nothing works.
I've dowloaded and deleted drivers, the whole nine yards....

Re: Mac 10.7.2 RAYDAT no go

Assuming you've had this card for a while, as a first step, inspect and clean the contacts on the PCI card. Also inspect and clean the PCI slot using compressed air. Then reinstall and test the RayDAT card and post your results here

best regards,
Blair Francey
Fireface 802/ARC USB; HDSP Multiface x 2; 2023 AMD Windows 10 Custom PC

Re: Mac 10.7.2 RAYDAT no go

The card is brand new. In fact, I had a MADI card in the same slot yesterday, so I know the slot is good. Any other thoughts?


Re: Mac 10.7.2 RAYDAT no go

Next step would be to try the card in a different computer to see if there is hardware detection.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.


Re: Mac 10.7.2 RAYDAT no go

Can you clarify a bit, please? Current Macs do not have PCI slots. The RayDAT uses PCI Express. Was that a HDSPe (!) MADI card that worked ok?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Mac 10.7.2 RAYDAT no go

Yes is was Madi PCIe


Re: Mac 10.7.2 RAYDAT no go

Then as Jeff said try to test it in a different computer. Both cards have identical PCIe connection, so if one works and the other not it might be toast..

Matthias Carstens