Topic: Raydat + SSL Alphalink ins & outs working BUT not at the same time

Hi there,

We connected a Raydat card via the first ADAT IOs to the first port on the SSL Alphalink. We are getting the playback out, we get an analog signal in BUT never at the same time, we always have to switch input and output source on the SSL. Matrix shows no additional connection, no loopback, we know how Totalmix works. It's probably a setting on the SSL we can't work out.

1. SSL input is ANA, SSL output is ADAT = microphone signal coming into Totalmix and PT10...great
2. SSL input is set to ADAT, output is set to ANA = playback is going to speakers = great BUT also going to physical inputs 1+2 and we don't get the mic signal anymore...not great, sometimes also jitter

With ADAT you can't mix inputs on the SSL and with outputs set to ADAT you don't hear anything in the speakers. Anyone with the same or similar setup? How do we use 1+2 as output but ins 1+2 for mic signals etc.

Drivers are all the latest, PT10, Mac Pro 2009 8-core OSX 10.6.8 6GB RAM.


MacPro 2009 5.1 (10.13.6, 2x3.46 6-Core), UFX+, FF800, Sequoia 16, Samplitude ProX5, Protools, Logic

Re: Raydat + SSL Alphalink ins & outs working BUT not at the same time

Update...somehow switching the SSL during playback to INPUT = ANA and OUTs to ADAT made it work. Now checking details if everything works.

MacPro 2009 5.1 (10.13.6, 2x3.46 6-Core), UFX+, FF800, Sequoia 16, Samplitude ProX5, Protools, Logic