Topic: Total Mix for HDSP/HDSPe cards: User interface

Hello RME staffs,

I got a HDSPe AIO card (second hand) a few days ago, and testing all the functions and learning the Total Mix for the card (the card is working perfect!). I've been a user of UFX, and the user interface is "for the most part" similar between TMFX and TM. But in details, TM for HDSPe card is different, for example, the pixel resolution is a little coarse, pan control is different (slider, vs. knob), etc, etc.

Since I started with UFX/TMFX, so I like the way TMFX works is better (I'm sure some people would say otherwise). For example, I like the pan control and short cut of TMFX. So, my question is, are there any plan making these with much more similar, in terms of user interface?

Another thing is, the Total Mix for HDSPe card says "HDSP mixer" in the window title (at left top corner). It's kind of confusing, I was wondering like "is this what's called Total Mix in the manual?".

By the way, I was kind of confident, this issue must have been covered many times, so I briefly checked thread titles of 45 pages of HDSP sub-boards, but couldn't find a one to bump up. If I missed something obvious, sorry about that.

Thank you very much!


Re: Total Mix for HDSP/HDSPe cards: User interface

The PCI and PCIe cards have the original TotalMix that will not change anymore. TotalMix FX is a newer version for the latest and upcoming products. HDSP Mixer = TotalMix, as there has never been another one for many years (until TM FX came out).

Matthias Carstens

Re: Total Mix for HDSP/HDSPe cards: User interface

Thank you Matthias for clarification.

I checked the manual for the new HDSPe MADI FX card, and TotalMix FX is used obviously.
So, maybe, I took it this way---RME is planning to rehash PCIe product lines to make all the lines with FX, like HDSPe AIO FX, Raydat FX, AES FX, things like that? That'll be awesome, and I'll replace the AIO with AIO FX! (of course, you don't need to reply --it's just my wild guess)

Re: Total Mix for HDSP/HDSPe cards: User interface

I'm resurrecting my own thread requesting TotalMix FX for HDSPe cards.

After two years, it seems my dread has come true! (I mean, the new driver version 4.x).

Thanks Matthias!

Re: Total Mix for HDSP/HDSPe cards: User interface

I have one more ambitious request (question) to RME

Are you able to make TotalMix FX to aggregate multiple RME interfaces for PC DAWs, like the way Apple's sound system does?

Probably the sound driver system for PC itself has to be changed, but now having HDSPe AIO and UFX plugged in to the same machine, I can't stop thinking to use them as one interface.....

You've surprised me so many times by making so many 'impossible' to possible, so I'll be waiting even you say 'That won't happen'!



Re: Total Mix for HDSP/HDSPe cards: User interface

There is an unoffical tool from Karl Steinberg himself who does that. We will not do something like that.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Total Mix for HDSP/HDSPe cards: User interface

MC wrote:

There is an unoffical tool from Karl Steinberg himself who does that. We will not do something like that.

Okay, thanks for the headsup.

I'll wait for 'Surprise!' for the next 10 years (at least) being a loyal customer of RME. wink