Topic: Routings exemple please

Dear RME team and users,

I am happy to use RME HDSP 9632, until now I use as Stereo output and it wa ok for me .
But for film scoring, I have been asked to divide Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussions, Piano, so five sections as Five output...
And this i don't know how to do... Ihave cubase 6 and Vsl orchestra but until now all recordings made in Stereo...
can someone send some pictures of the "how to do" routing, i believe that on or two picture speaks more than words.
Thank You,

Re: Routings exemple please

Do you want to send the five tracks to a digital mixer or should they also come out as analog signals? In this case you need an ADAT converter.

The routing is easy.
1) Assign four more outputs in VSL to the HDSPe ADAT outputs (ADAT 1/2, ADAT 3/4 ...). If you play your arrangement, you should see the meters in the middle row of TotalMix moving for every output.
2) Click one outputs in the 3rd row of TotalMix (it get's brighter). Set the fader of the corresponding software output (2nd: ADAT 1/2 > 3rd: ADAT 1/2) to 0 dB and set all other faders in the 2nd row all the way down.
3) Repeat step 2 for all other three ADAT outputs. Only the corresponding software output should be routed to the physical output. Make shure, your main analog output gets also a signal only from the corresponding software output (analog out) - all other faders down. Otherwise you create a mix of all your divided sections on the analog output.

best regards

Re: Routings exemple please

Thank You Knut,
A single 9632 isn't enough to have 5 different output ? What I wanted is to record in my pc the 5 or more different sections inside the machine to have my 5 wav.  no adat, just analog.
And I check google and nobody seems to show pictures of examples of RME 9632 routings sad
So, again, How to do to have More than one Analog stereo output ?
Thank You.

Re: Routings exemple please

So, again, How to do to have More than one Analog stereo output ?

As written above: the HDSPe 9632 provides one analog I/O and one ADAT I/O (8 channels digital). If you want to play out this 8 channels as analog signals you need an ADAT converter.

What I wanted is to record in my pc the 5 or more different sections inside the machine to have my 5 wav.  no adat, just analog.

If you want to record the outputs of VSL in your PC it's a digital recording without analog conversion.
The routing is easy (see above). To record all five outputs click Loopback in every of this outputs and choose the inputs of the card in your audio recording software. Thanks to Loopback the outputs will be routed internally to the corresponding inputs, so you can record up to 5 stereo tracks. In this case you don't need an ADAT converter.

best regards