1 (edited by crewxp 2012-08-31 06:20:42)

Topic: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?

I apologize if these questions sound dumb, but I really am trying my best to learn!! It's a RME machine for our office.

I was basically wondering if it was possible to hook up my 5.1 speakers using my setup (AIO and AO4S).

-Can I combine a Left and Right channel into a single Stereo AO4S output cable?

If not, would a Alva Babyface breakout cable work with the HDSPe AIO?

i7-3930K / Rampage IV Extreme / 32GBMem / Win8.1 64-bit
Cubase 7.5


Re: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?

That question is a bit unclear. Of course on an analog cable you can have only one signal per cable. You would connect the AIO's analog outputs with the analog inputs of your speaker system. A digital connection is only possible via SPDIF. That would allow stereo on one cable for all applications, and 5.1 for surround playback from DVD etc.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?

Sorry for being unclear. And thanks!

On my current 5.1 setup, 3 analog cables send a 5.1 signal. Each cable holds a left and right. (Front lr rear lr and sub, 3 cables)

I think I had mis read on the manual. I thought the ao4s has stereo analog balanced out.

I ordered from Amazon. I think I'm realizing now that I was supposed to. Receive a analog cable from it. I only received a digital cable. I am just over my 30 days.

A colleague has a baby face Alva breakout cable. Will that work on my card? (Cheaper than the hdspe breakout)

If not, is there anyway I can see if Rome could do anything for me if I show my receipt?

i7-3930K / Rampage IV Extreme / 32GBMem / Win8.1 64-bit
Cubase 7.5


Re: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?

So you have a 2.1 setup, not 5.1...

The AIO has already 4 output channels, the AO4S-192 gives you another 4 channels = 8 analog outputs. The AIO comes with breakout cable for 2 x mono and 1 x stereo. The AO4S-192 comes without cable.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?

Sorry! I'm a bit confusing. I have a 5.1.
-One cable runs both my front left AND right channels
-another cable runs my rear left and right
-my third cable runs my sub and center channels

-i was shipped a aio missing a analog breakout cable. So I was wondering if the alvo baby face breakout cable would work for my aio or if there was someone I can talk to to possible get the missing cable.

I initially asked if I could run a separate left and right channel through one AO4S output, but I believe now that's not possible. They are mono outputs.

Thank you again. Sorry for sounding dumb. Im better with the creative side lol. Learning!

i7-3930K / Rampage IV Extreme / 32GBMem / Win8.1 64-bit
Cubase 7.5

Re: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?

I'm a bit confused. After talking with someone. The RME website says the AO4S card has (4) stereo TRS jacks. From my knowledge, a stereo TRS jack is capable of handling both a left and right signal channel. Correct?

So is this card capable of sending 4 channels of left and right audio? (8 different audio sources). I was thinking each jack was mono, but if it's stereo, it may be possible. Correct?

-If not, can the Alva breakout work for me?

i7-3930K / Rampage IV Extreme / 32GBMem / Win8.1 64-bit
Cubase 7.5

Re: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?

Sorry, something was lost in translation there. The physical jack itself could be used for balanced mono or unbalanced stereo. On this specific expansion card, these are balanced mono jacks.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?

Damn, alright. I bought the extra card for that reason lol. That sucks.

But Thanks Jeff. I guess I'll keep trying to see if RME or Amazon may be able to send me a missing cable.

Do you know by any chance if a Alvera babyface breakout cable will work in the mean time? Or if there's anyone specific I can contact at RME about my cable? I bought it last month and opened it last week.

i7-3930K / Rampage IV Extreme / 32GBMem / Win8.1 64-bit
Cubase 7.5


Re: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?

crewxp wrote:

I have a 5.1.
-One cable runs both my front left AND right channels
-another cable runs my rear left and right
-my third cable runs my sub and center channels

In that case you must be talking about dual/stereo cables, two cables in one each. Otherwise that makes no sense. But anyway, just connecting everything as it should you have enough channels to do what you want.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Where are the A1-8, Analog1+2, and Phones outputs on the AIO?


I wasn't shipped a analog breakout cable. Amazon told me to contact rme. Do you know which email or number I should get in contact with to talk about this?

i7-3930K / Rampage IV Extreme / 32GBMem / Win8.1 64-bit
Cubase 7.5