Topic: Babyface: using phones output as 3 & 4 problems

Hi everyone, I apologise in advance if this is a stupid question!

I'm having some issues using the phones outputs as the 3 & 4 outputs.
The output sounds pretty dull / quiet with bleeding from the main 1 & 2 outputs mixed in. As you can imagine this is a bit of a nightmare when sending stuff to outboard gear.. is this a simple fix in the totalmix options? I'm aware the phones outputs are supposed to be a tad quiet so the bleeding is the main problem I'd like help with.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Re: Babyface: using phones output as 3 & 4 problems

The bleeding is most likely due to an unwanted routing in TotalMix. Try a mixer reset: Options > Reset Mix > Straight Playback.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.