Topic: 4-channel Babyface?

Dear folks at RME and fellow forum users,
as Apogee unveiled their 4-channel interface, the Quartet, I started to wonder if RME is designing something like that. A 4-channel Babyface would be a killer interface, but I doubt it would be also cost-effective. So I thought: since my Babyface has already an adat digital input, maybe it could be simpler taking a Babyface, stripping the headphone out, the Hi-Z line in and other stuff, leaving only the mic pres and the digital output, and selling it as a "Babyface sidecar".
Or maybe (even better) putting four of the digital-controlled pres from the Babyface in a half rack box and releasing it as a new QuadMic D (with digital output). Am I just dreaming? I would nonetheless buy any of the two, if they were to be released for real.

Anyway, thanks for listening... Stefano from Italy