Topic: Fireface 800 Preamp crackles and hiss Phantom Power (Chan 7 and 8)


I have got the same problem as a lot of other people on this forum, when the phantom power is switched in on channels 7 and 8 I get a loud hiss and crackle on the mic input with a condenser, turn it off and plug a dynamic mic in and it is clean. (9 and 10 are fine with phantom)

This is the second time this has happened with my unit, the first time was under warranty but this time it is out of warranty. However this is obivously a manufacturers fault as it is happening over so many units.

I have seen some of the Moderators say it is the protective circuitry that has malfunctioned and it is something to do with diodes.

RME must be aware of this problem as it has been happening for years, can someone from RME tell me how to fix it and provide me with a schematic of the Fireface 800 please. I don't want to send this out to a repair company every two years (time since last broken) for the time i keep the interface.

Re: Fireface 800 Preamp crackles and hiss Phantom Power (Chan 7 and 8)

The comment here you are apparently referring to talked about protective circuitry failing if mics keep being dis/connected with the phantom power still on. This is clearly not "manufacturer's fault". Other than that, there are no known issues or frequent service matters.

I'm afraid we do not provide schematics, sorry.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Fireface 800 Preamp crackles and hiss Phantom Power (Chan 7 and 8)

I also have this problem - on channels 7, 8, 9, and 10 (basically all XLR inputs on the front panel).

All work without phantom power switched on but make a crackle/hiss sound (continuously) when phantom is turned on for each channel.

Please can you tell me how I can get this repaired now that the unit is out of warranty.

Thank you

Re: Fireface 800 Preamp crackles and hiss Phantom Power (Chan 7 and 8)

mikegrainger wrote:

I also have this problem - on channels 7, 8, 9, and 10 (basically all XLR inputs on the front panel).

All work without phantom power switched on but make a crackle/hiss sound (continuously) when phantom is turned on for each channel.

Please can you tell me how I can get this repaired now that the unit is out of warranty.

Thank you

Happy New Year! I also have the same problem, can anyone know where to find the wiring diagram to solve this problem myself?