Topic: new Macbook Air doesn't like my old Fireface UC

Just purchased a new Macbook Air 13inch with 8GB RAM running Mountain Lion with all updates. I have been using my Fireface UC on my Windows machine without a problem. Downloaded and executed the latest Mac driver, and TotalMix program.

Plugged FF/UC into the Mac and the Host light (red) doesn't show.

Checked the System Report USB report and there is no FF/UC. Turned off Mac and FF and tried again. Nothing. Plugged FF into the spare port on the USB hub on my monitor, also tried the USB port on my Thunderbolt DVDI adapter. No red light on FF, no device reported connection on my Mac.

When I execute no window is displayed. I select New TotalMix Window and then press the Matrix Window button. then faults and I send a report to Apple.

I plug the FF/UC into my Windows computer and upgrade the bios to the latest. It works in Windows as I expect. I try again in the Mac and it is as before.

Any advice on a remedy?

(please don't ask me for numbers, everything is new)

Re: new Macbook Air doesn't like my old Fireface UC

Seems you did not switch the unit to Mac mode, as the manual explains... Disconnect USB and double-click the encoder, needs to show "AP".

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: new Macbook Air doesn't like my old Fireface UC

thankyou for reminding me. I tried double clicking the rotary button and nothing happened. A single depress (click) works as I expect (as the manual describes). Is there another way to switch the firmware to Apple?

Re: new Macbook Air doesn't like my old Fireface UC

No... Maker sure to disconnect USB and click faster...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: new Macbook Air doesn't like my old Fireface UC

believe me I've tried! there is some fault here (not the speed of button depresses!). USB cable is unconnected (HOST LED SHOWS red).  A quick double depress either 1. effects no change or 2. toggles LEV/CH LEDs. I have tried repeatedly to press harder/softer/slower/quicker and there is no AP/PC indication showing on the FF panel.

It would appear to be a hardware or software fault (my fingers are nimble enough - I'm a guitarist wink. Where to next?