Topic: Help! New user question

Hi folks,

I picked up my Babyface yesterday and installed on my Windows 7 computer last night.

My question is do I HAVE to use loopback to send my analog bass signal (plugged into the side of the babyface) to Audacity to enable recording?

Right now I can hear my bass in the headphones, I can hear the reference track I want to record against but I cannot get my bass signal to Audacity to actually lay down the bass track.

Please help, I spent about 4 hours last night getting nowhere smile

Thanks in advance,

Re: Help! New user question

Loopback is not required. You just need to tell the software to record from the correct input channel (#2 in this case). Assuming you have the channel's "INST" button activated.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Help! New user question

Thanks for the prompt response Daniel, I believe I had it pointing to that input channel but I'll check again tonight.

Re: Help! New user question

I can now record to Audacity and hear the mix and my playing in the headphones. The problem now is that even though I'm playing in time to the music the overdub track is not in time when you play back. Is there a buffer problem or something. Again in real time playing everything is perfect, on playback the bass track is out of sync (later) than the reference track.


Re: Help! New user question

TTT - I really need help on this guys...I can't figure out why the track are out of sync in Audacity!