Topic: UCX and spdif routing question


I will try and explain my problem without confusing.

Using Reaper, what I am trying to do is route the spdif fx return so that I can hear the reverb separately from the un-effected sound. Either internally, or as I am doing at the moment, externally.

So - going into an old mixer - I have outputs 3 and 4 for the mix, and 5 and 6 for the spdif. And can then mix them before returning them into the computer.

But I can't seem to keep the spdif return separate from the mix, so that I can hear the reverb by itself on 5 and 6, but outputs 3 and 4 remain dry. At the moment the reverb still also gets routed to them.

Is it possible to do this?

Re: UCX and spdif routing question


I posted this on the Reaper forum and got no answer there either, so I still don't know if this is a TotalMix routing issue or a DAW one.

All I know is that it's not a spdif fx box issue, as that has a killdry button.