Topic: News on multiple mackie controller support? & Request for new commands

Hi Matthias and others!

I've really hit a wall now with trying to complete (get rid of the last few limitations of) my live-looping setup with ff UFX and TMFX,
so I'm asking if you could shed some light to whether or not the support for multiple (at least two) mackie controllers is coming to TMFX any time soon? (I know TMFX is already prepared for multiple controllers, but perhaps the midi control upgrades have been left aside? now that you've been building the OSC support, which is a great tool for most, of course and also I am deeply thankful for it!)

For now I've been sending submix select commands along with the fader level commands, but that's far from the ideal way to do things, as I can't get feedback to my effect sends or other submixes, and they all just pick up the levels from the currently selected submix. (jumps do happen, but only on my effects send submixes, so I've been somewhat able to live with that for now)

With support for two or three mackie controllers (and with help of LcXmu) , I could get the feedback of different submixes to the same (behringer BCR2000) controller! That would be simply awesome and I can't wait to get it as I know it's almost possible already?

The 2nd thing I'm (still) hoping to see, are the direct (separate) midi commands for "trim mode on" and "trim mode off", in addition to the toggle command. I believe this could be easily added, and would enable me to select trim mode directly from my knobs, faders or buttons (or midi "templates" that I use for resetting or setting my TMFX levels for the next song)

3rd request is adding midi commands (also on/off instead of toggle only, that is very important) for mute groups (perhaps for solo and fader groups too)
This would be the only way to be able to use the same input in two different submixes and toggle the mute between them (using two different mute groups, or maybe with just one, if you allowed the opposite ganging of mute buttons?) This is to be able to keep my vocal mic open at all times, but only record it to ableton loops when selected (mute the input from main mix, and unmute in record mix), and also to avoid mic bleed when recording /looping other instruments.

(I actually misread the OSC command table, and thought that sending mute group on/off commands would be possible by translating midi to OSC with osculator, but I was only able to make them toggle. I am still new to OSC and my understanding of it is very very limited, so correct me if I'm wrong.)

That's it for now, so in short I'm asking / hoping for:
-support for multiple mackie controllers
-midi commands for both "trim mode on" and "trim mode off"
-midi commands for mute groups (both on and off commands)
-and maybe for solo and fader groups too?

I know you're very busy with perfecting all your products and software, so adding a few new midi commands might not be first on your to-do list, but I hope you could still do it. At least some of these have been asked on the forums before, and by someone else too. wink

And finally. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!

Best regards, 

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic

Re: News on multiple mackie controller support? & Request for new commands

..midi commands for muting and unmuting the main out would be cool also. wink

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic


Re: News on multiple mackie controller support? & Request for new commands

Sorry, very busy, but we hear you.

Matthias Carstens

Re: News on multiple mackie controller support? & Request for new commands

MC wrote:

Sorry, very busy, but we hear you.

Alright, cool. Take your time.

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic

Re: News on multiple mackie controller support? & Request for new commands

I would greatly appreciate the 'multiple Mackie controller' to TMFX. This would be a great step forward in making RME and Totalmix FX a serious option for mixing live music.

This guy plus the fader extension (or two) would do the trick... … on+Pro.htm

Melbourne, Australia.
Pro Audio Dealership.
FF UFX / Macbook 2008 2.4GHz/6GB RAM