Topic: Argghh - weird fireface USB settings software problem

Hi, couldn't find this problem covered anywhere in the forum. Let me know if it is posted somewhere.

After a big break from Audio work, I've plugged my babyface into my macbook pro. I've got an updated OS (10.8.2) so i needed to download the new drivers/software (Fireface USB driver v 1.78)

Problem is this - the Fireface USB settings software keeps on turning itself off, the back on, then off, then back on etc - a process which completely overrides any audio software I'm trying to use.

Does anyone know whats going on and how to fix it?

The gratitude will be eternal...

Re: Argghh - weird fireface USB settings software problem

Sounds like a cable or power issue. Try the double USB cable that comes with the Babyface or an external power-supply.

Re: Argghh - weird fireface USB settings software problem

Thanks Timur. Yes I was using the double USB supply.

Today I started up and it isn't powering up at all sad Need to get my hands on a power supply and see if that does the trick. Interestingly, the USB ports do power other devices. If the power supply doesn't work, I guess I'm up for the slow, time wasting (and expensive since I'm beyond warranty period) process of getting the unit repaired. As i said "Argghh"