1 (edited by ebulb 2013-02-19 18:08:06)

Topic: New UFX owner questions

i bought myself a UFX about a week ago and been pretty happy with it so far.. i have noticed a few things with its operation though which i am curious about and was wondering if someone may be able to offer some more info.. I will list the points below..

1.  The analog channels input meters are moving around in totalmix.. The small number below the mute/solo buttons and above the fader is constantly changing, given its analog channels only i thought it may have something to do with noise from ADC ? does anyone know why this is exactly ?

2.. DURec file playback ends with a large click sound.. I have created multichannel files from Sony Vegas and they play back fine with DURec but when the file reaches the end you hear a loud click.. there is no clicks in the files i created, the click is coming off DURec... and when i record from DURec into DAW you can see the click in the waveform.. is anyone else aware of this or have any info ? It's very annoying as playback for backing tracks is one of the main things i wanted to use.

3. Is there any chance we will see an update which allows USB file names with DURec playback to use more than 8 characters ? When you are just recording on UFX the short filenames is ok but when you transfer back for playback its difficult and would be nice to see real filenames..

4. Sometimes i get a message when starting up Totalmix about device settings mismatch.. Is this just a case of the mixer settings (such as fader positions and EQ etc) being different from totalmix and the UFX hardware ? Or is it something else ? I have had a couple of computer crashes and i think it happens after this.. I was wondering if this happens should i upload the settings from totalmix --> UFX or from UFX --> totalmix if i want to maintain the most recent mixer settings i used ?

5.  Is there any way of locking a fader so it cannot be moved ? Or any chance this seeing this feature in the future ? I already use the disable double click fader actions which is helpful but for live use it would be great to have a way of locking mixer settings so no accidental changes can be made..

6. Why doesnt digicheck have AES input for global recording ? Is there any chance it may get AES input ?

7. Does the class compliance of UFX enable me to use an iPad for controlling all the mixer features of UFX as comprehensive as totalmix ? If so would i need to use touchOSC or some other app to achieve this ? I read the CC PDF and understand what class compliance mode is but i am just wondering if all i need is an iPad and 3rd party app to enable all of UFX mixing features ? My primary application for the UFX is to use as a live mixer with backing tracks being played from DURec, i had anticipated having a laptop at gigs with Totalmix but if i could simplify that with just an iPad and one USB lead to the UFX it would be even better..

Appreciate any help..

Re: New UFX owner questions

1. You are right, this is the Noise Floor - as disturbing as this might seem at first, it is an excellent example how you get punkd by other vendors showing you a constant zero - and RME delivers accurate SNR anytime.
2. Ensure that the wave you export from Vegas ends at zero (there might be an option "Cut at zero point" or something like this) so the sine doesn´t hang above or below zero - your click is basically the wave crashing to 0.
3. a: Dunno wink
3. b: Use the Device settings, they´re more likely unaffected by crashing your pc.
4. Of what use would that be? Just leave the Fader alone - or hide it by collapsing the channel (little arrow in the lower right corner)
5. Be happy that you have global record on PC at all...OSX still lacks that feature wink
6. Please read the UFX Class Compliant Manual again - it answers all that questions. You can´t, at this point, control Totalmix from the iPad without a Computer inbetween. The CC allows it to pass audio in and out of the iPad, so you need a DAW for the iPad (e.g. Auria) that does all the mixing and processing. Of course you kan create a setup in totalmix on pc, but you can´t change parameters from the ipad (but the front controls of course, e.g. starting durec playback).

Hope this helps wink

Re: New UFX owner questions

5. Please explain the problem... Obviously Global Record will support all available channels....

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

4 (edited by ebulb 2013-02-19 19:23:56)

Re: New UFX owner questions

TGL wrote:

1. You are right, this is the Noise Floor - as disturbing as this might seem at first, it is an excellent example how you get punkd by other vendors showing you a constant zero - and RME delivers accurate SNR anytime.

Cool, that is what i thought and i actually appreciate the honesty of it..

TGL wrote:

2. Ensure that the wave you export from Vegas ends at zero (there might be an option "Cut at zero point" or something like this) so the sine doesn´t hang above or below zero - your click is basically the wave crashing to 0.

The files i have tried have all ended a couple of seconds after the audio itself had finished.. I havent actually rendered digital silence at the end of the file so i will try that as maybe some small hiss from a plugin was still evident that could cause the zero crossing problem. The main audio in the file was over and any hiss would be very low in level but I will try it further and see..

TGL wrote:

3. b: Use the Device settings, they´re more likely unaffected by crashing your pc.

Cool thats what i suspected..

TGL wrote:

6. Please read the UFX Class Compliant Manual again - it answers all that questions. You can´t, at this point, control Totalmix from the iPad without a Computer inbetween. The CC allows it to pass audio in and out of the iPad, so you need a DAW for the iPad (e.g. Auria) that does all the mixing and processing. Of course you kan create a setup in totalmix on pc, but you can´t change parameters from the ipad (but the front controls of course, e.g. starting durec playback). )

I know you cant control Totalmix but i thought that maybe you could install touchOSC or a similar application to control UFX mixer with nothing but the tablet and USB connection.. I read the CC PDF and it gave no clear indication of this scenario that i could see and I dont have any of these things on hand otherwise i would just try it out..  From what i gather, CC supports midi and a software application exists for iPad that emulates mackie control over midi, wouldnt it be possible to just run midi out from the software application and midi cable out/in to UFX to control it in the same way something like a BCF controls via midi ? Or am i missing something in this example ?

TGL wrote:

Hope this helps wink

Yes appreciate it, thanks..

RME Support wrote:

5. Please explain the problem... Obviously Global Record will support all available channels...

When i playback something through AES channel on bottom row in Totalmix there is no metering in Digicheck but when i route signal through ADAT channels i see metering and can record..