Topic: Word Clock Question
I have an ADI-8 which I use as the Word Clock Master for 2 Multifaces and a Digiface. Currently I'm connecting them using this topology:
ADI Mulitface 1 Multiface 2 Digiface
V ^ ^ ^
=======<---->=======<---->========<---->====<75 ohm Terminator>
The cables are no more than 60 cm. However I find the BNC T-connectors I'm using aren't very good and if I knock on the rack where they're located I see the WC lights flash as the WC is lost and then reconnects. This rack has other gear that is handled often so this is getting to be annoying.
I have 3 affordable solutions:
1. Get better T-connectors.
2. Make a simple reliable version of the T-connectors: use a simple metal utility box, put 4 BNC jacks on it, body ground, centers internally connected, and connect the units to that.
3. Build a simple clock distribution circuit using a video line amplifier.
(1)I'm pretty sure I can't find better connectors locally. (2) is the easiest solution but depends on whether the ADI-8 WC output can handle it. (3) I think I've found a chip that can do this simply (CLC1605) but it's always possible that my DIY might not be up to spec and makes the WC signal worse.
Opinions? TIA!
MBP = HDSPe Expresscard: MF1